Have a Go No.1!


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Well, here is a piece of text from the quraan - 2:5-7 to be precise.

See how you get on recognising the letters (there are a couple of oddities). The text is reproduced afterwards with alternating colours, if you need to check anything.

The second section will practice pronunciation.

اولئك على هدى من ربهم واولئك هم المفلحون
ان الذين كفروا سواء عليهم ءانذرتهم ام لم تنذرهم لايؤمنون
ختم الله على قلوبهم وعلى سمعهم وعلى ابصارهم غشاوة ولهم عذاب عظيم

اولئك على هدى من ربهم واولئك هم المفلحون
ان الذين كفروا سواء عليهم ءانذرتهم ام لم تنذرهم لايؤمنون
ختم الله على قلوبهم وعلى سمعهم وعلى ابصارهم غشاوة ولهم عذاب عظيم

The main quirks are in the writing of the letter ء . As you might have noticed, sometimes it is written alone, sometimes on top of something, as in يؤمنون or اولئك . The general rule is that if it is after a letter that joins on to something, then something is put in for the ء to sit on. What thing depends on the sound .

It also seems that web browsers like to treat لا as one 'letter'! As they do the لله of الله

When pronouncing the words individually, or on the last word of a sentence when you are going to stop, it is normal not to pronounce the last vowel sound or ة .

Listen to Whole Sentence اُولَئِكَ عَلى هُدًى مِّن رََّبِّهِم وَ اُولَئِكَ هُمُ المُفْلِحُونَ
Listen to Whole Sentence اِنَّ الَذِينَ كَفَرُوا سَوَاءٌ عَلَيهِم ءَأنْذَرتَهُم أم لَم تُنْذِرهُم لا يُؤمِنُونَ
Listen to Whole Sentence خَتَمَ اللهُ عَلَى قُلُوبِهِم وَ عَلَى سَمعِهِم وَ عَلَى اَبْصَارِهِم غِشَاوَةٌ وَ لَهُم عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ

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