Recognising the letters


Arabic is written from right to left. Thus the letter ا followed by the letter ل would look like ال.

Each letter may vary in shape slightly, depending on whether it is joined to other letters or not. Some letters never join on to a following letter, even in the middle of a word. In this case the next letter is normally written quite close.


The first letter of the alphabet has a couple of peculiarities. Don't worry - the rest are nothing like as bad!!!

ا never joins onto the following letter - otherwise you would read it as a different letter ل, but the letter before may join on to it.

20:2 begins: we did not send down

When it is following ل, the pair may be written as not or as in by no means! .

Sometimes, just to really try your perseverance, it is not written!!! Or it is written as a vertical line over another letter.
For example the first two words of 2:2 that book are really
that book .

And finally... at the beginning of a word it is sometimes being used as ء

Pronunciation peculiarities: Normally a long vowel, the 'a' sound varies slightly depending on the preceeding letter. Compare قاف with كاف . When being used as ء it is a short sound like in 'eh' 'ih' or 'uh' - for instance 1:5 begins you (alone) singular and specific.

ب , ت , ث

Hope you read the above list from right to left! ب and ت are common, while ث is used in very few words. All three use the same shape pattern - it is the dots that tell you which letter it is, and stop you confusing it with the letter س. The letter is elongated when it is at the end of a word. Here are some examples:

in the name of god

road, path, way



this (sing,fem)




after that, furthermore

example, simile


Note: rarely a ت may have come from - see ه; below.

ج , ح , خ

The big down loop is for the end of words.

Jinn, concealment

hajj, pilgrimmage


hajj, pilgrimmage

Reality, certainty, Truth


creation, creatures

How to say خ - put a really big smile on your face, and without losing it say 'haa'!!!

د , ذ , ر , ز

None of these letters join onto the next one. Notice how ر and ز tend to hang down further. د and ذ may even curl up slightly.

repayment, 'religion'

singular, unity


those who


merciful, compassionate

road, path, way



was shaken


س , ش

Three little waves! At the end of a word the last wave is made into a bigger one.

road, path, way

messenger, envoy




ones who make partners


ص , ض

The second loop is larger and goes down a bit more at the end of a word.

road, path, way

their sight, conception



ramadan (name of month)

earth (ground and world)

So you want to say ض? Get ready to say 'd', and just as you start saying it, change your mind to say 'z' with a touch of 'th'. Or remember that this is the letter that Arabs use to tell who is non-arab and don't worry about it!!!

ط , ظ

loam, clay, mud

wicked, rebellious, stubborn

road, path, way


darkness, gloom, ignorance

great, immense, mighty


ع , غ

The large down loop is for the end of a word. ع can change its sound to a 'i' or a 'u', depending on the vowel sound.

mighty, respected, rare

he made



not, other, difference


ف , ق

The letters are elongated at the end of word. For the ق the loop also goes down quite a bit at the end of a word.


self, person



quantity, worth, power, influence




ك , ل

ك only has a squiggle in it at the end of a word. Elsewhere it has a line joined at the top. ل tends to loop a bit lower at the end of a word.

he was

to you (plural)

power, dominion



be it that you (plural)



م , ن

what, not

we did, made, worked



self, person





ه sometimes has two dots added . This second form is only used as the last letter of a word, and changes pronunciation to a 't' if you are running the sound into the next word. Compare with . It also makes the word feminine. Should a suffix be added to the word, it changes to a ت.

he is

to them

be aware of him/it

allah, god


The hearafter

sign, token



This letter never joins the following letter. و can represent two sounds - a consonant 'w' or a vowel 'u'. Like ا it can be used for a ء. When used as a vowel, it may sometimes just make the 'a' sound from the previous lettter's vowel.



ones who suceed

he is



ى can represent two sounds - a consonant 'y' or a vowel 'ee'. It usually has two dots - but these are lost at the end of a word unless it is representing a double 'y' sound. When used as a vowel, it may sometimes just make the 'a' sound from the previous lettter's vowel.

he says

road, path, way




ء is a bit like a short vowel sound coming to a very brief halt. It can be written alone, or on other letters. Quite often an ا at the beginning of a word is a ء . Which short vowel is indicated by other marks. The Saudi print seems to put them all in - Yusuf Ali mainly uses plain ا .


one who trusts

you (alone) singular and specific

you (alone) singular and specific


And finally...

Although Arabic numerals do not form part of the text, you may see them in reference markers to the verses. Numbers are written from left to right. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 look like 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 10 would look like 10

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