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Browse By Root - ش ك ل - c-k-l

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Qul kullun yaAAmalu AAala shakilatihifarabbukum aAAlamu biman huwa ahda sabeelanقل كل يعمل علي شاكلته فربكم اعلم بمن هو اهدي سبيلا
[YA]: Say: "Everyone acts according to his own disposition: But your Lord knows best who it is that is best guided on the Way."

[RK]:Say, "Everyone works in accordance with his belief, and your Lord knows best which ones are guided in the right path."

Waakharu min shaklihi azwajunواخر من شكله ازواج
[YA]: And other Penalties of a similar kind, to match them!

[RK]:And much more of the same kind.

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