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Faamma allatheena amanoowaAAamiloo alssalihati fayuwaffeehimojoorahum wayazeeduhum min fadlihi waamma allatheenaistankafoo waistakbaroo fayuAAaththibuhum AAathabanaleeman wala yajidoona lahum min dooni Allahiwaliyyan wala naseeranفاما الذين امنوا وعملوا الصالحات فيوفيهم اجورهم ويزيدهم من فضله واما الذين استنكفوا واستكبروا فيعذبهم عذابا اليما ولايجدون لهم من دون الله وليا ولانصيرا
[YA]: But to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, He will give their (due) rewards,- and more, out of His bounty: But those who are disdainful and arrogant, He will punish with a grievous penalty; Nor will they find, besides Allah, any to protect or help them.

[RK]:As for those who believe and lead a righteous life, He will fully recompense them, and shower them with His grace. As for those who disdain and turn arrogant, He will commit them to painful retribution. They will find no lord beside GOD, nor a savior.

Waqalati alyahoodu yadu Allahimaghloolatun ghullat aydeehim waluAAinoo bima qaloobal yadahu mabsootatani yunfiqu kayfa yashaowalayazeedanna katheeran minhum ma onzila ilayka minrabbika tughyanan wakufran waalqaynabaynahumu alAAadawata waalbaghdaa ilayawmi alqiyamati kullama awqadoo naran lilharbiatfaaha Allahu wayasAAawna fee al-ardifasadan waAllahu la yuhibbualmufsideenaوقالت اليهود يد الله مغلولة غلت ايديهم ولعنوا بما قالوا بل يداه مبسوطتان ينفق كيف يشاء وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ماانزل اليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا والقينا بينهم العداوة والبغضاء الي يوم القيامة كلما اوقدوا نارا للحرب اطفاها الله ويسعون في الارض فسادا والله لايحب المفسدين
[YA]: The Jews say: "Allah's hand is tied up." Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief.

[RK]:The Jews even said, "GOD's hand is tied down!" It is their hands that are tied down. They are condemned for uttering such a blasphemy. Instead, His hands are wide open, spending as He wills. For certain, your Lord's revelations to you will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Consequently, we have committed them to animosity and hatred among themselves until the Day of Resurrection. Whenever they ignite the flames of war, GOD puts them out. They roam the earth wickedly, and GOD dislikes the evildoers.

Qul ya ahla alkitabi lastumAAala shay-in hatta tuqeemoo alttawratawaal-injeela wama onzila ilaykum min rabbikumwalayazeedanna katheeran minhum ma onzila ilayka minrabbika tughyanan wakufran fala ta/sa AAalaalqawmi alkafireenaقل يااهل الكتاب لستم علي شئ حتي تقيموا التوراة والانجيل وماانزل اليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ماانزل اليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تاس علي القوم الكافرين
[YA]: Say: "O People of the Book! ye have no ground to stand upon unless ye stand fast by the Law, the Gospel, and all the revelation that has come to you from your Lord." It is the revelation that cometh to thee from thy Lord, that increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. But sorrow thou not over (these) people without Faith.

[RK]:Say, "O people of the scripture, you have no basis until you uphold the Torah, and the Gospel, and what is sent down to you herein from your Lord." For sure, these revelations from your Lord will cause many of them to plunge deeper into transgression and disbelief. Therefore, do not feel sorry for the disbelieving people.

Wa-ith qeela lahumu oskunoo hathihialqaryata wakuloo minha haythu shi/tum waqooloo hittatunwaodkhuloo albaba sujjadan naghfir lakum khatee-atikumsanazeedu almuhsineenaواذ قيل لهم اسكنوا هذه القرية وكلوا منها حيث شئتم وقولوا حطة وادخلوا الباب سجدا نغفر لكم خطيئاتكم سنزيد المحسنين
[YA]: And remember it was said to them: "Dwell in this town and eat therein as ye wish, but say the word of humility and enter the gate in a posture of humility: We shall forgive you your faults; We shall increase (the portion of) those who do good."

[RK]:Recall that they were told, "Go into this town to live, and eat therefrom as you please, treat the people amicably, and enter the gate humbly. We will then forgive your transgressions. We will multiply the reward for the righteous."

Innama alnnasee-o ziyadatunfee alkufri yudallu bihi allatheena kafaroo yuhilloonahuAAaman wayuharrimoonahu AAaman liyuwati-ooAAiddata ma harrama Allahu fayuhillooma harrama Allahu zuyyina lahum soo-o aAAmalihimwaAllahu la yahdee alqawma alkafireenaانما النسئ زيادة في الكفر يضل به الذين كفروا يحلونه عاما ويحرمونه عاما ليواطئوا عدة ماحرم الله فيحلوا ماحرم الله زين لهم سوء اعمالهم والله لايهدي القوم الكافرين
[YA]: Verily the transposing (of a prohibited month) is an addition to Unbelief: the Unbelievers are led to wrong thereby: for they make it lawful one year, and forbidden another year, in order to adjust the number of months forbidden by Allah and make such forbidden ones lawful. The evil of their course seems pleasing to them. But Allah guideth not those who reject Faith.

[RK]:Altering the Sacred Months is a sign of excessive disbelief; it augments the straying of those who have disbelieved. They alternate the Sacred Months and the regular months, while preserving the number of months consecrated by GOD. They thus violate what GOD has consecrated. Their evil works are adorned in their eyes. GOD does not guide the disbelieving people.

Lillatheena ahsanoo alhusnawaziyadatun wala yarhaqu wujoohahum qatarun walathillatun ola-ika as-habu aljannatihum feeha khalidoonaللذين احسنوا الحسني وزيادة ولايرهق وجوههم قتر ولاذلة اولئك اصحاب الجنة هم فيها خالدون
[YA]: To those who do right is a goodly (reward)- Yea, more (than in measure)! No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces! they are companions of the garden; they will abide therein (for aye)!

[RK]:For the righteous, the reward will be multiplied manifold. Their faces will never experience any deprivation or shame. These are the dwellers of Paradise; they abide therein forever.

Qala ya qawmi araaytum inkuntu AAala bayyinatin min rabbee waataneeminhu rahmatan faman yansurunee mina Allahiin AAasaytuhu fama tazeedoonanee ghayra takhseerinقال ياقوم ارايتم ان كنت علي بينة من ربي واتاني منه رحمة فمن ينصرني من الله ان عصيته فما تزيدونني غير تخسير
[YA]: He said: "O my people! do ye see? if I have a Clear (Sign) from my Lord and He hath sent Mercy unto me from Himself,- who then can help me against Allah if I were to disobey Him? What then would ye add to my (portion) but perdition?

[RK]:He said, "O my people, what if I have solid proof from my Lord, and mercy from Him? Who would support me against GOD, if I disobeyed Him? You can only augment my loss.

Wa-ith taaththana rabbukumla-in shakartum laazeedannakum wala-in kafartum inna AAathabeelashadeedunواذ تاذن ربكم لئن شكرتم لازيدنكم ولئن كفرتم ان عذابي لشديد
[YA]: And remember! your Lord caused to be declared (publicly): "If ye are grateful, I will add more (favours) unto you; But if ye show ingratitude, truly My punishment is terrible indeed."

[RK]:Your Lord has decreed: "The more you thank Me, the more I give you." But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe.

Walaqad sarrafna fee hathaalqur-ani liyaththakkaroo wama yazeeduhumilla nufooranولقد صرفنا في هذا القران ليذكروا ومايزيدهم الا نفورا
[YA]: We have explained (things) in various (ways) in this Qur'an, in order that they may receive admonition, but it only increases their flight (from the Truth)!

[RK]:We have cited in this Quran (all kinds of examples), that they may take heed. But it only augments their aversion.

Wa-ith qulna laka inna rabbakaahata bialnnasi wama jaAAalnaalrru/ya allatee araynaka illafitnatan lilnnasi waalshshajarataalmalAAoonata fee alqur-ani wanukhawwifuhum famayazeeduhum illa tughyanan kabeeranواذ قلنا لك ان ربك احاط بالناس وماجعلنا الرؤيا التي اريناك الا فتنة للناس والشجرة الملعونة في القران ونخوفهم فما يزيدهم الا طغيانا كبيرا
[YA]: Behold! We told thee that thy Lord doth encompass mankind round about: We granted the vision which We showed thee, but as a trial for men,- as also the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Qur'an: We put terror (and warning) into them, but it only increases their inordinate transgression!

[RK]:We informed you that your Lord fully controls the people, and we rendered the vision that we showed you a test for the people, and the tree that is accursed in the Quran. We showed them solid proofs to instill reverence in them, but this only augmented their defiance.

Wanunazzilu mina alqur-ani mahuwa shifaon warahmatun lilmu/mineena walayazeedu alththalimeena illakhasaranوننزل من القران ماهو شفاء ورحمة للمؤمنين ولايزيد الظالمين الا خسارا
[YA]: We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.

[RK]:We send down in the Quran healing and mercy for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors.

Wayakhirroona lil-athqaniyabkoona wayazeeduhum khushooAAanويخرون للاذقان يبكون ويزيدهم خشوعا
[YA]: They fall down on their faces in tears, and it increases their (earnest) humility.

[RK]:They fall down on their chins, prostrating and weeping, for it augments their reverence.

Wayazeedu Allahu allatheenaihtadaw hudan waalbaqiyatu alssalihatukhayrun AAinda rabbika thawaban wakhayrun maraddanويزيد الله الذين اهتدوا هدي والباقيات الصالحات خير عند ربك ثوابا وخير مردا
[YA]: "And Allah doth advance in guidance those who seek guidance: and the things that endure, Good Deeds, are best in the sight of thy Lord, as rewards, and best in respect of (their) eventual return."

[RK]:GOD augments the guidance of those who choose to be guided. For the good deeds are eternally rewarded by your Lord, and bring far better returns.

Liyajziyahumu Allahu ahsana maAAamiloo wayazeedahum min fadlihi waAllahuyarzuqu man yashao bighayri hisabinليجزيهم الله احسن ماعملوا ويزيدهم من فضله والله يرزق من يشاء بغير حساب
[YA]: That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace: for Allah doth provide for those whom He will, without measure.

[RK]:GOD will certainly reward them for their good works, and will shower them with His grace. GOD provides for whomever He wills without limits.

Wa-ith taqoolu lillatheeanAAama Allahu AAalayhi waanAAamta AAalayhi amsik AAalaykazawjaka waittaqi Allaha watukhfee fee nafsika maAllahu mubdeehi watakhsha alnnasa waAllahuahaqqu an takhshahu falamma qadazaydun minha wataran zawwajnakahalikay la yakoona AAala almu/mineena harajunfee azwaji adAAiya-ihim itha qadawminhunna wataran wakana amru Allahi mafAAoolanواذ تقول للذي انعم الله عليه وانعمت عليه امسك عليك زوجك واتق الله وتخفي في نفسك ما الله مبديه وتخشي الناس والله احق ان تخشاه فلما قضي زيد منها وطرا زوجناكهالكي لايكون علي المؤمنين حرج في ازواج ادعيائهم اذا قضوا منهن وطرا وكان امر الله مفعولا
[YA]: Behold! Thou didst say to one who had received the grace of Allah and thy favour: "Retain thou (in wedlock) thy wife, and fear Allah." But thou didst hide in thy heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: thou didst fear the people, but it is more fitting that thou shouldst fear Allah. Then when Zaid had dissolved (his marriage) with her, with the necessary (formality), We joined her in marriage to thee: in order that (in future) there may be no difficulty to the Believers in (the matter of) marriage with the wives of their adopted sons, when the latter have dissolved with the necessary (formality) (their marriage) with them. And Allah's command must be fulfilled.

[RK]:Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by GOD, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence GOD," and you hid inside yourself what GOD wished to proclaim. Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only GOD. When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man may marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. GOD's commands shall be done.

Alhamdu lillahi fatiri alssamawatiwaal-ardi jaAAili almala-ikatirusulan olee ajnihatin mathna wathulathawarubaAAa yazeedu fee alkhalqi ma yashaoinna Allaha AAala kulli shay-in qadeerunالحمد لله فاطر السماوات والارض جاعل الملائكة رسلا اولي اجنحة مثني وثلاث ورباع يزيد في الخلق مايشاء ان الله علي كل شئ قدير
[YA]: Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things.

[RK]:Praise be to GOD, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, and appointer of the angels to be messengers with wings - two, three, and four (wings). He increases the creation as He wills. GOD is Omnipotent.

Liyuwaffiyahum ojoorahum wayazeedahum min fadlihiinnahu ghafoorun shakoorunليوفيهم اجورهم ويزيدهم من فضله انه غفور شكور
[YA]: For He will pay them their meed, nay, He will give them (even) more out of His Bounty: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service).

[RK]:He will recompense them generously, and will multiply His blessings upon them. He is Forgiving, Appreciative.

Huwa allathee jaAAalakum khala-ifafee al-ardi faman kafara faAAalayhi kufruhu walayazeedu alkafireena kufruhum AAinda rabbihim illamaqtan wala yazeedu alkafireena kufruhum illakhasaranهو الذي جعلكم خلائف في الارض فمن كفر فعليه كفره ولايزيد الكافرين كفرهم عند ربهم الا مقتا ولايزيد الكافرين كفرهم الا خسارا
[YA]: He it is That has made you inheritors in the earth: if, then, any do reject (Allah), their rejection (works) against themselves: their rejection but adds to the odium for the Unbelievers in the sight of their Lord: their rejection but adds to (their own) undoing.

[RK]:He is the One who made you inheritors of the earth. Subsequently, whoever chooses to disbelieve does so to his own detriment. The disbelief of the disbelievers only augments their Lord's abhorrence towards them. The disbelief of the disbelievers plunges them deeper into loss.

Huwa allathee jaAAalakum khala-ifafee al-ardi faman kafara faAAalayhi kufruhu walayazeedu alkafireena kufruhum AAinda rabbihim illamaqtan wala yazeedu alkafireena kufruhum illakhasaranهو الذي جعلكم خلائف في الارض فمن كفر فعليه كفره ولايزيد الكافرين كفرهم عند ربهم الا مقتا ولايزيد الكافرين كفرهم الا خسارا
[YA]: He it is That has made you inheritors in the earth: if, then, any do reject (Allah), their rejection (works) against themselves: their rejection but adds to the odium for the Unbelievers in the sight of their Lord: their rejection but adds to (their own) undoing.

[RK]:He is the One who made you inheritors of the earth. Subsequently, whoever chooses to disbelieve does so to his own detriment. The disbelief of the disbelievers only augments their Lord's abhorrence towards them. The disbelief of the disbelievers plunges them deeper into loss.

Waarsalnahu ila mi-ati alfinaw yazeedoonaوارسلناه الي مئة الف او يزيدون
[YA]: And We sent him (on a mission) to a hundred thousand (men) or more.

[RK]:Then we sent him to a hundred thousand, or more.

Wayastajeebu allatheena amanoowaAAamiloo alssalihati wayazeeduhum min fadlihiwaalkafiroona lahum AAathabun shadeedunويستجيب الذين امنوا وعملوا الصالحات ويزيدهم من فضله والكافرون لهم عذاب شديد
[YA]: And He listens to those who believe and do deeds of righteousness, and gives them increase of His Bounty: but for the Unbelievers their is a terrible Penalty.

[RK]:Responding to Him are those who believe and lead a righteous life. He will shower them with His blessings. As for the disbelievers, they have incurred a severe retribution.

Yawma naqoolu lijahannama hali imtala/tiwataqoolu hal min mazeedinيوم نقول لجهنم هل امتلات وتقول هل من مزيد
[YA]: One Day We will ask Hell, "Art thou filled to the full?" It will say, "Are there any more (to come)?"

[RK]:That is the day when we ask Hell, "Have you had enough?" It will say, "Give me more."

Lahum ma yashaoona feehawaladayna mazeedunلهم مايشاؤون فيها ولدينا مزيد
[YA]: There will be for them therein all that they wish,- and more besides in Our Presence.

[RK]:They get anything they wish therein, and we have even more.

Thumma yatmaAAu an azeedaثم يطمع ان ازيد
[YA]: Yet is he greedy-that I should add (yet more);-

[RK]:Yet, he is greedy for more.

ERRORفذوقوا فلن نزيدكم الا عذابا
[YA]: "So taste ye (the fruits of your deeds); for no increase shall We grant you, except in Punishment."

[RK]:Suffer the consequences; we will only increase your retribution.

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