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Allatheena yanqudoona AAahdaAllahi min baAAdi meethaqihi wayaqtaAAoona maamara Allahu bihi an yoosala wayufsidoona fee al-ardiola-ika humu alkhasiroonaالذين ينقضون عهد الله من بعد ميثاقه ويقطعون ماامر الله به ان يوصل ويفسدون في الارض اولئك هم الخاسرون
[YA]: Those who break Allah's Covenant after it is ratified, and who sunder what Allah Has ordered to be joined, and do mischief on earth: These cause loss (only) to themselves.

[RK]:who violate GOD's covenant after pledging to uphold it, sever what GOD has commanded to be joined, and commit evil. These are the losers.

Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumwarafaAAna fawqakumu alttoora khuthooma ataynakum biquwwatin waothkurooma feehi laAAallakum tattaqoonaواذ اخذنا ميثاقكم ورفعنا فوقكم الطور خذوا ما اتيناكم بقوة واذكروا مافيه لعلكم تتقون
[YA]: And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you (The towering height) of Mount (Sinai) : (Saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you and bring (ever) to remembrance what is therein: Perchance ye may fear Allah."

[RK]:We made a covenant with you, as we raised Mount Sinai above you: "You shall uphold what we have given you strongly, and remember its contents, that you may be saved."

Wa-ith akhathna meethaqabanee isra-eela la taAAbudoona illa Allahawabialwalidayni ihsanan watheealqurba waalyatama waalmasakeeniwaqooloo lilnnasi husnan waaqeemoo alssalatawaatoo alzzakata thumma tawallaytum illaqaleelan minkum waantum muAAridoonaواذ اخذنا ميثاق بني اسرائيل لاتعبدون الا الله وبالوالدين احسانا وذي القربي واليتامي والمساكين وقولوا للناس حسنا واقيموا الصلاة واتوا الزكاة ثم توليتم الا قليلا منكم وانتم معرضون
[YA]: And remember We took a covenant from the Children of Israel (to this effect): Worship none but Allah; treat with kindness your parents and kindred, and orphans and those in need; speak fair to the people; be steadfast in prayer; and practise regular charity. Then did ye turn back, except a few among you, and ye backslide (even now).

[RK]:We made a covenant with the Children of Israel: "You shall not worship except GOD. You shall honor your parents and regard the relatives, the orphans, and the poor. You shall treat the people amicably. You shall observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and give the obligatory charity (Zakat)." But you turned away, except a few of you, and you became averse.

Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumla tasfikoona dimaakum wala tukhrijoonaanfusakum min diyarikum thumma aqrartum waantum tashhadoonaواذا اخذنا ميثاقكم لاتسفكون دماءكم ولاتخرجون انفسكم من دياركم ثم اقررتم وانتم تشهدون
[YA]: And remember We took your covenant (to this effect): Shed no blood amongst you, nor turn out your own people from your homes: and this ye solemnly ratified, and to this ye can bear witness.

[RK]:We made a covenant with you, that you shall not shed your blood, nor shall you evict each other from your homes. You agreed and bore witness.

Wa-ith akhathna meethaqakumwarafaAAna fawqakumu alttoora khuthooma ataynakum biquwwatin waismaAAoo qaloosamiAAna waAAasayna waoshriboo feequloobihimu alAAijla bikufrihim qul bi/sama ya/murukumbihi eemanukum in kuntum mu/mineenaواذ اخذنا ميثاقكم ورفعنا فوقكم الطور خذوا مااتيناكم بقوة واسمعوا قالوا سمعنا وعصينا واشربوا في قلوبهم العجل بكفرهم قل بئسما يامركم به ايمانكم ان كنتم مؤمنين
[YA]: And remember We took your covenant and We raised above you (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai): (Saying): "Hold firmly to what We have given you, and hearken (to the Law)": They said:" We hear, and we disobey:" And they had to drink into their hearts (of the taint) of the calf because of their Faithlessness. Say: "Vile indeed are the behests of your Faith if ye have any faith!"

[RK]:We made a covenant with you, as we raised Mount Sinai above you, saying, "You shall uphold the commandments we have given you, strongly, and listen." They said, "We hear, but we disobey." Their hearts became filled with adoration for the calf, due to their disbelief. Say, "Miserable indeed is what your faith dictates upon you, if you do have any faith."

La ikraha fee alddeeniqad tabayyana alrrushdu mina alghayyi faman yakfur bialttaghootiwayu/min biAllahi faqadi istamsaka bialAAurwatialwuthqa la infisama laha waAllahusameeAAun AAaleemunلااكراه في الدين قد تبين الرشد من الغي فمن يكفر بالطاغوت ويؤمن بالله فقد استمسك بالعروة الوثقي لاانفصام لها والله سميع عليم
[YA]: Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things.

[RK]:There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient.

Wa-ith akhatha Allahumeethaqa alnnabiyyeena lama ataytukummin kitabin wahikmatin thumma jaakumrasoolun musaddiqun lima maAAakum latu/minunna bihiwalatansurunnahu qala aaqrartum waakhathtumAAala thalikum isree qaloo aqrarnaqala faishhadoo waana maAAakum mina alshshahideenaواذ اخذ الله ميثاق النبيين لما اتيتكم من كتاب وحكمة ثم جاءكم رسول مصدق لما معكم لتؤمنن به ولتنصرنه قال ءاقررتم واخذتم علي ذلكم اصري قالوا اقررنا قال فاشهدوا وانا معكم من الشاهدين
[YA]: Behold! Allah took the covenant of the prophets, saying: "I give you a Book and Wisdom; then comes to you a messenger, confirming what is with you; do ye believe in him and render him help." Allah said: "Do ye agree, and take this my Covenant as binding on you?" They said: "We agree." He said: "Then bear witness, and I am with you among the witnesses."

[RK]:GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom. Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures. You shall believe in him and support him." He said, "Do you agree with this, and pledge to fulfill this covenant?" They said, "We agree." He said, "You have thus borne witness, and I bear witness along with you."

Wa-ith akhatha Allahumeethaqa allatheena ootoo alkitabalatubayyinunnahu lilnnasi wala taktumoonahufanabathoohu waraa thuhoorihim waishtarawbihi thamanan qaleelan fabi/sa ma yashtaroonaواذا اخذ الله ميثاق الذين اوتوا الكتاب لتبيننه للناس ولاتكتمونه فنبذوه وراء ظهورهم واشتروابه ثمنا قليلا فبئس مايشترون
[YA]: And remember Allah took a covenant from the People of the Book, to make it known and clear to mankind, and not to hide it; but they threw it away behind their backs, and purchased with it some miserable gain! And vile was the bargain they made!

[RK]:GOD took a covenant from those who received the scripture: "You shall proclaim it to the people, and never conceal it." But they disregarded it behind their backs, and traded it away for a cheap price. What a miserable trade.

Wakayfa ta/khuthoonahu waqad afdabaAAdukum ila baAAdin waakhathnaminkum meethaqan ghaleethanوكيف تاخذونه وقد افضي بعضكم الي بعض واخذن منكم ميثاقا غليظا
[YA]: And how could ye take it when ye have gone in unto each other, and they have Taken from you a solemn covenant?

[RK]:How could you take it back, after you have been intimate with each other, and they had taken from you a solemn pledge?

Illa allatheena yasiloonaila qawmin baynakum wabaynahum meethaqun aw jaookumhasirat sudooruhum an yuqatilookum awyuqatiloo qawmahum walaw shaa Allahu lasallatahumAAalaykum falaqatalookum fa-ini iAAtazalookum falam yuqatilookumwaalqaw ilaykumu alssalama fama jaAAala Allahulakum AAalayhim sabeelanالا الذين يصلون الي قوم بينكم وبينهم ميثاق او جاؤوكم حصرت صدورهم ان يقاتلوكم او يقاتلوا قومهم ولو شاء الله لسلطهم عليكم فلقاتلوكم فان اعتزلوكم فلم يقاتلوكم والقوا اليكم السلم فما جعل الله لكم عليهم سبيلا
[YA]: Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (of peace), or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people. If Allah had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then Allah Hath opened no way for you (to war against them).

[RK]:Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had GOD willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them.

Wama kana limu/minin anyaqtula mu/minan illa khataan waman qatala mu/minankhataan fatahreeru raqabatin mu/minatin wadiyatunmusallamatun ila ahlihi illa an yassaddaqoofa-in kana min qawmin AAaduwwin lakum wahuwa mu/minun fatahreeruraqabatin mu/minatin wa-in kana min qawmin baynakumwabaynahum meethaqun fadiyatun musallamatun ilaahlihi watahreeru raqabatin mu/minatin faman lam yajid fasiyamushahrayni mutatabiAAayni tawbatan mina Allahi wakanaAllahu AAaleeman hakeemanوماكان لمؤمن ا ن يقتل مؤمنا الا خطا ومن قتل مؤمنا خطا فتحرير رقبة مؤمنة ودية مسلمة الي اهله الا ان يصدقوا فان كان من قوم عدو لكم وهو مؤمن فتحرير رقبة مؤمنة وان كان من قوم بينكم وبينهم ميثاق فدية مسلمة الي اهله وتحرير رقبة مؤمنة فمن لم يجد فصيام شهرين متتابعين توبة من الله وكان الله عليما حكيما
[YA]: Never should a believer kill a believer; but (If it so happens) by mistake, (Compensation is due): If one (so) kills a believer, it is ordained that he should free a believing slave, and pay compensation to the deceased's family, unless they remit it freely. If the deceased belonged to a people at war with you, and he was a believer, the freeing of a believing slave (Is enough). If he belonged to a people with whom ye have treaty of Mutual alliance, compensation should be paid to his family, and a believing slave be freed. For those who find this beyond their means, (is prescribed) a fast for two months running: by way of repentance to Allah: for Allah hath all knowledge and all wisdom.

[RK]:No believer shall kill another believer, unless it is an accident. If one kills a believer by accident, he shall atone by freeing a believing slave, and paying a compensation to the victim's family, unless they forfeit such a compensation as a charity. If the victim belonged to people who are at war with you, though he was a believer, you shall atone by freeing a believing slave. If he belonged to people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, you shall pay the compensation in addition to freeing a believing slave. If you cannot find a slave to free, you shall atone by fasting two consecutive months, in order to be redeemed by GOD. GOD is Knower, Most Wise.

WarafaAAna fawqahumu alttoorabimeethaqihim waqulna lahumu odkhuloo albabasujjadan waqulna lahum la taAAdoo fee alssabtiwaakhathna minhum meethaqan ghaleethanورفعنا فوقهم الطور بميثاقهم وقلنا لهم ادخلوا الباب سجدا وقلنا لهم لاتعدوا في السبت واخذنا منهم ميثاقا غليظا
[YA]: And for their covenant we raised over them (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai); and (on another occasion) we said: "Enter the gate with humility"; and (once again) we commanded them: "Transgress not in the matter of the sabbath." And we took from them a solemn covenant.

[RK]:And we raised Mount Sinai above them, as we took their covenant. And we said to them, "Enter the gate humbly." And we said to them, "Do not desecrate the Sabbath." Indeed, we took from them a solemn covenant.

WarafaAAna fawqahumu alttoorabimeethaqihim waqulna lahumu odkhuloo albabasujjadan waqulna lahum la taAAdoo fee alssabtiwaakhathna minhum meethaqan ghaleethanورفعنا فوقهم الطور بميثاقهم وقلنا لهم ادخلوا الباب سجدا وقلنا لهم لاتعدوا في السبت واخذنا منهم ميثاقا غليظا
[YA]: And for their covenant we raised over them (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai); and (on another occasion) we said: "Enter the gate with humility"; and (once again) we commanded them: "Transgress not in the matter of the sabbath." And we took from them a solemn covenant.

[RK]:And we raised Mount Sinai above them, as we took their covenant. And we said to them, "Enter the gate humbly." And we said to them, "Do not desecrate the Sabbath." Indeed, we took from them a solemn covenant.

Fabima naqdihim meethaqahumwakufrihim bi-ayati Allahi waqatlihimual-anbiyaa bighayri haqqin waqawlihim quloobunaghulfun bal tabaAAa Allahu AAalayhabikufrihim fala yu/minoona illa qaleelanفبما نقضهم ميثاقهم وكفرهم بايات الله وقتلهم الانبياء بغير حق وقولهم قلوبنا غلف بل طبع الله عليها بكفرهم فلا يؤمنون الا قليلا
[YA]: (They have incurred divine displeasure): In that they broke their covenant; that they rejected the signs of Allah; that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve Allah's Word; We need no more)";- Nay, Allah hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little is it they believe;-

[RK]:(They incurred condemnation) for violating their covenant, rejecting GOD's revelations, killing the prophets unjustly, and for saying, "Our minds are made up!" In fact, GOD is the One who sealed their minds, due to their disbelief, and this is why they fail to believe, except rarely.

Waothkuroo niAAmata AllahiAAalaykum wameethaqahu allathee wathaqakumbihi ith qultum samiAAna waataAAna waittaqooAllaha inna Allaha AAaleemun bithati alssudooriواذكروا نعمة الله عليكم وميثاقه الذي واثقكم به اذ قلتم سمعنا واطعنا واتقوا الله ان الله عليم بذات الصدور
[YA]: And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts.

[RK]:Remember GOD's blessing upon you, and His covenant that He covenanted with you: you said, "We hear and we obey." You shall observe GOD; GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.

Waothkuroo niAAmata AllahiAAalaykum wameethaqahu allathee wathaqakumbihi ith qultum samiAAna waataAAna waittaqooAllaha inna Allaha AAaleemun bithati alssudooriواذكروا نعمة الله عليكم وميثاقه الذي واثقكم به اذ قلتم سمعنا واطعنا واتقوا الله ان الله عليم بذات الصدور
[YA]: And call in remembrance the favour of Allah unto you, and His covenant, which He ratified with you, when ye said: "We hear and we obey": And fear Allah, for Allah knoweth well the secrets of your hearts.

[RK]:Remember GOD's blessing upon you, and His covenant that He covenanted with you: you said, "We hear and we obey." You shall observe GOD; GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.

Walaqad akhatha Allahu meethaqabanee isra-eela wabaAAathna minhumu ithnay AAasharanaqeeban waqala Allahu innee maAAakum la-inaqamtumu alssalata waataytumu alzzakatawaamantum birusulee waAAazzartumoohum waaqradtumuAllaha qardan hasanan laokaffiranna AAankumsayyi-atikum walaodkhilannakum jannatin tajree mintahtiha al-anharu faman kafara baAAda thalikaminkum faqad dalla sawaa alssabeeliولقد اخذ الله ميثاق بني اسرائيل وبعثنا منهم اثني عشر نقيبا وقال الله اني معكم لئن اقمتم الصلاة واتيتم الزكاة وامنتم برسلي وعزرتموهم واقرضتم الله قرضا حسنا لاكفرن عنكم سيئاتكم ولادخلنكم جنات تجري من تحتها الانهار فمن كفر بعد ذلك منكم فقد ضل سواء السبيل
[YA]: Allah did aforetime take a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we appointed twelve captains among them. And Allah said: "I am with you: if ye (but) establish regular prayers, practise regular charity, believe in my messengers, honour and assist them, and loan to Allah a beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from you your evils, and admit you to gardens with rivers flowing beneath; but if any of you, after this, resisteth faith, he hath truly wandered from the path or rectitude."

[RK]:GOD had taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we raised among them twelve patriarchs. And GOD said, "I am with you, so long as you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), give the obligatory charity (Zakat), and believe in My messengers and respect them, and continue to lend GOD a loan of righteousness. I will then remit your sins, and admit you into gardens with flowing streams. Anyone who disbelieves after this, has indeed strayed off the right path."

Fabima naqdihim meethaqahumlaAAannahum wajaAAalna quloobahum qasiyatanyuharrifoona alkalima AAan mawadiAAihi wanasoo haththanmimma thukkiroo bihi wala tazalu tattaliAAuAAala kha-inatin minhum illa qaleelan minhumfaoAAfu AAanhum waisfah inna Allahayuhibbu almuhsineenaفبما نقضهم ميثاقهم لعناهم وجعلنا قلوبهم قاسية يحرفون الكلم عن مواضعه ونسوا حظا مما ذكروا به ولاتزال تطلع علي خائنة منهم الا قليلا منهم فاعف عنهم واصفح ان الله يحب المحسنين
[YA]: But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.

[RK]:It was a consequence of their violating the covenant that we condemned them, and we caused their hearts to become hardened. Consequently, they took the words out of context, and disregarded some of the commandments given to them. You will continue to witness betrayal from them, excepting a few of them. You shall pardon them, and disregard them. GOD loves those who are benevolent.

Wamina allatheena qaloo innanasara akhathna meethaqahumfanasoo haththan mimma thukkiroobihi faaghrayna baynahumu alAAadawata waalbaghdaaila yawmi alqiyamati wasawfa yunabbi-ohumu Allahubima kanoo yasnaAAoonaومن الذين قالوا انا نصاري اخذنا ميثاقهم فنسوا حظا مما ذكروا به فاغرينا بينهم العداوة والبغضاء الي يوم القيامة وسوف ينبئهم الله بما كانوا يصنعون
[YA]: From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.

[RK]:Also from those who said, "We are Christian," we took their covenant. But they disregarded some of the commandments given to them. Consequently, we condemned them to animosity and hatred among themselves, until the Day of Resurrection. GOD will then inform them of everything they had done.

Laqad akhathna meethaqabanee isra-eela waarsalna ilayhim rusulan kullamajaahum rasoolun bima la tahwaanfusuhum fareeqan kaththaboo wafareeqan yaqtuloonaلقد اخذنا ميثاق بني اسرائيل وارسلنا اليهم رسلا كلما جاءهم رسول بما لاتهوي انفسهم فريقا كذبوا وفريقا يقتلون
[YA]: We took the covenant of the Children of Israel and sent them messengers, every time, there came to them a messenger with what they themselves desired not - some (of these) they called impostors, and some they (go so far as to) slay.

[RK]:We have taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and we sent to them messengers. Whenever a messenger went to them with anything they disliked, some of them they rejected, and some they killed.

Fakhalafa min baAAdihim khalfun warithooalkitaba ya/khuthoona AAarada hathaal-adna wayaqooloona sayughfaru lana wa-in ya/tihimAAaradun mithluhu ya/khuthoohu alam yu/khathAAalayhim meethaqu alkitabi an la yaqoolooAAala Allahi illa alhaqqa wadarasoo mafeehi waalddaru al-akhiratu khayrun lillatheenayattaqoona afala taAAqiloonaفخلف من بعدهم خلف ورثوا الكتاب ياخذون عرض هذا الادني ويقولون سيغفر لنا وان ياتهم عرض مثله ياخذوه الم يؤخذ عليهم ميثاق الكتاب ان لايقولوا علي الله الا الحق ودرسوا مافيه والدار الاخرة خير للذين يتقون افلا تعقلون
[YA]: After them succeeded an (evil) generation: They inherited the Book, but they chose (for themselves) the vanities of this world, saying (for excuse): "(Everything) will be forgiven us." (Even so), if similar vanities came their way, they would (again) seize them. Was not the covenant of the Book taken from them, that they would not ascribe to Allah anything but the truth? and they study what is in the Book. But best for the righteous is the home in the Hereafter. Will ye not understand?

[RK]:Subsequent to them, He substituted new generations who inherited the scripture. But they opted for the worldly life instead, saying, "We will be forgiven." But then they continued to opt for the materials of this world. Did they not make a covenant to uphold the scripture, and not to say about GOD except the truth? Did they not study the scripture? Certainly, the abode of the Hereafter is far better for those who maintain righteousness. Do you not understand?

Inna allatheena amanoo wahajaroowajahadoo bi-amwalihim waanfusihim fee sabeeli Allahiwaallatheena awaw wanasaroo ola-ikabaAAduhum awliyao baAAdin waallatheenaamanoo walam yuhajiroo ma lakum min walayatihimmin shay-in hatta yuhajiroo wa-ini istansarookumfee alddeeni faAAalaykumu alnnasru illaAAala qawmin baynakum wabaynahum meethaqun waAllahubima taAAmaloona baseerunان الذين امنوا وهاجروا وجاهدوا باموالهم وانفسهم في سبيل الله والذين اووا ونصروا اولئك بعضهم اولياء بعض والذين امنوا ولم يهاجروا مالكم من ولايتهم من شئ حتي يهاجروا وان استنصروكم في الدين فعليكم النصر الا علي قوم بينكم وبينهم ميثاق والله بما تعملون بصير
[YA]: Those who believed, and adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with their property and their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who gave (them) asylum and aid,- these are (all) friends and protectors, one of another. As to those who believed but came not into exile, ye owe no duty of protection to them until they come into exile; but if they seek your aid in religion, it is your duty to help them, except against a people with whom ye have a treaty of mutual alliance. And (remember) Allah seeth all that ye do.

[RK]:Surely, those who believed, and emigrated, and strove with their money and their lives in the cause of GOD, as well as those who hosted them and gave them refuge, and supported them, they are allies of one another. As for those who believe, but do not emigrate with you, you do not owe them any support, until they do emigrate. However, if they need your help, as brethren in faith, you shall help them, except against people with whom you have signed a peace treaty. GOD is Seer of everything you do.

Qala lan orsilahu maAAakum hattatu/tooni mawthiqan mina Allahi lata/tunnanee bihi illaan yuhata bikum falamma atawhu mawthiqahum qalaAllahu AAala ma naqoolu wakeelunقال لن ارسله معكم حتي تؤتون موثقا من الله لتاتنني به الا ان يحاط بكم فلما اتوه موثقهم قال الله علي مانقول وكيل
[YA]: (Jacob) said: "Never will I send him with you until ye swear a solemn oath to me, in Allah's name, that ye will be sure to bring him back to me unless ye are yourselves hemmed in (and made powerless). And when they had sworn their solemn oath, he said: "Over all that we say, be Allah the witness and guardian!"

[RK]:He said, "I will not send him with you, unless you give me a solemn pledge before GOD that you will bring him back, unless you are utterly overwhelmed." When they gave him their solemn pledge, he said, "GOD is witnessing everything we say."

Qala lan orsilahu maAAakum hattatu/tooni mawthiqan mina Allahi lata/tunnanee bihi illaan yuhata bikum falamma atawhu mawthiqahum qalaAllahu AAala ma naqoolu wakeelunقال لن ارسله معكم حتي تؤتون موثقا من الله لتاتنني به الا ان يحاط بكم فلما اتوه موثقهم قال الله علي مانقول وكيل
[YA]: (Jacob) said: "Never will I send him with you until ye swear a solemn oath to me, in Allah's name, that ye will be sure to bring him back to me unless ye are yourselves hemmed in (and made powerless). And when they had sworn their solemn oath, he said: "Over all that we say, be Allah the witness and guardian!"

[RK]:He said, "I will not send him with you, unless you give me a solemn pledge before GOD that you will bring him back, unless you are utterly overwhelmed." When they gave him their solemn pledge, he said, "GOD is witnessing everything we say."

Falamma istay-asoo minhu khalasoonajiyyan qala kabeeruhum alam taAAlamoo anna abakumqad akhatha AAalaykum mawthiqan mina Allahi waminqablu ma farrattum fee yoosufa falan abrahaal-arda hatta ya/thana lee abee aw yahkumaAllahu lee wahuwa khayru alhakimeenaفلما استياسوا منه خلصوا نجيا قال كبيرهم الم تعلموا ان اباكم قد اخذ عليكم موثقا من الله ومن قبل مافرطتم في يوسف فلن ابرح الارض حتي ياذن لي ابي او يحكم الله لي وهو خير الحاكمين
[YA]: Now when they saw no hope of his (yielding), they held a conference in private. The leader among them said: "Know ye not that your father did take an oath from you in Allah's name, and how, before this, ye did fail in your duty with Joseph? Therefore will I not leave this land until my father permits me, or Allah commands me; and He is the best to command.

[RK]:When they despaired of changing his mind, they conferred together. Their eldest said, "Do you realize that your father has taken a solemn pledge from you before GOD? In the past you lost Joseph. I am not leaving this place until my father gives me permission, or until GOD judges for me; He is the best Judge.

Allatheena yoofoona biAAahdi Allahiwala yanqudoona almeethaqaالذين يوفون بعهد الله ولاينقضون الميثاق
[YA]: Those who fulfil the covenant of Allah and fail not in their plighted word;

[RK]:They are the ones who fulfill their pledge to GOD, and do not violate the covenant.

Waallatheena yanqudoonaAAahda Allahi min baAAdi meethaqihi wayaqtaAAoonama amara Allahu bihi an yoosala wayufsidoonafee al-ardi ola-ika lahumu allaAAnatu walahum soo-oalddariوالذين ينقضون عهد الله من بعد ميثاقه ويقطعون ماامر الله به ان يوصل ويفسدون في الارض اولئك لهم اللعنة ولهم سوء الدار
[YA]: But those who break the Covenant of Allah, after having plighted their word thereto, and cut asunder those things which Allah has commanded to be joined, and work mischief in the land;- on them is the curse; for them is the terrible home!

[RK]:As for those who violate GOD's covenant after pledging to keep it, and sever what GOD has commanded to be joined, and commit evil, they have incurred condemnation; they have incurred the worst destiny.

Waman yuslim wajhahu ila Allahiwahuwa muhsinun faqadi istamsaka bialAAurwatialwuthqa wa-ila Allahi AAaqibatual-omooriومن يسلم وجهه الي الله وهو محسن فقد استمسك بالعروة الوثقي والي الله عاقبة الامور
[YA]: Whoever submits his whole self to Allah, and is a doer of good, has grasped indeed the most trustworthy hand-hold: and with Allah rests the End and Decision of (all) affairs.

[RK]:Those who submit completely to GOD, while leading a righteous life, have gotten hold of the strongest bond. For GOD is in full control of all things.

Wa-ith akhathna mina alnnabiyyeenameethaqahum waminka wamin noohin wa-ibraheemawamoosa waAAeesa ibni maryama waakhathnaminhum meethaqan ghaleethanواذ اخذنا من النبيين ميثاقهم ومنك ومن نوح وابراهيم وموسي وعيسي ابن مريم واخذنا منهم ميثاقا غليظا
[YA]: And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant:

[RK]:Recall that we took from the prophets their covenant, including you (O Muhammad), Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. We took from them a solemn pledge.

Wa-ith akhathna mina alnnabiyyeenameethaqahum waminka wamin noohin wa-ibraheemawamoosa waAAeesa ibni maryama waakhathnaminhum meethaqan ghaleethanواذ اخذنا من النبيين ميثاقهم ومنك ومن نوح وابراهيم وموسي وعيسي ابن مريم واخذنا منهم ميثاقا غليظا
[YA]: And remember We took from the prophets their covenant: As (We did) from thee: from Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary: We took from them a solemn covenant:

[RK]:Recall that we took from the prophets their covenant, including you (O Muhammad), Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus the son of Mary. We took from them a solemn pledge.

Fa-itha laqeetumu allatheenakafaroo fadarba alrriqabi hattaitha athkhantumoohum fashuddoo alwathaqa fa-immamannan baAAdu wa-imma fidaan hatta tadaAAaalharbu awzaraha thalika walaw yashaoAllahu laintasara minhum walakinliyabluwa baAAdakum bibaAAdin waallatheenaqutiloo fee sabeeli Allahi falan yudilla aAAmalahumsayahdeehim wayuslihu balahumفاذا لقيتم الذين كفروا فضرب الرقاب حتي اذا اثخنتموهم فشدوا الوثاق فاما منا بعد واما فداء حتي تضع الحرب اوزارها ذلك ولو يشاء الله لانتصر منهم ولكن ليبلو بعضكم ببعض والذين قتلوا في سبيل الله فلن يضل اعمالهم
[YA]: Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.

[RK]:If you encounter (in war) those who disbelieve, you may strike the necks. If you take them as captives you may set them free or ransom them, until the war ends. Had GOD willed, He could have granted you victory, without war. But He thus tests you by one another. As for those who get killed in the cause of GOD, He will never put their sacrifice to waste.

Wama lakum la tu/minoona biAllahiwaalrrasoolu yadAAookum litu/minoo birabbikum waqad akhathameethaqakum in kuntum mu/mineenaومالكم لاتؤمنون بالله والرسول يدعوكم لتؤمنوا بربكم وقد اخذ ميثقاكم ان كنتم مؤمنين
[YA]: What cause have ye why ye should not believe in Allah?- and the Messenger invites you to believe in your Lord, and has indeed taken your Covenant, if ye are men of Faith.

[RK]:Why should you not believe in GOD when the messenger is inviting you to believe in your Lord? He has taken a pledge from you, if you are believers.

Wala yoothiqu wathaqahu ahadunولايوثق وثاقه احد
[YA]: And His bonds will be such as none (other) can bind.

[RK]:And no confinement is as effective as His confinement.

Wala yoothiqu wathaqahu ahadunولايوثق وثاقه احد
[YA]: And His bonds will be such as none (other) can bind.

[RK]:And no confinement is as effective as His confinement.

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