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Wakathalika nufassilu al-ayatiwalitastabeena sabeelu almujrimeenaوكذلك نفصل الايات ولتستبين سبيل المجرمين
[YA]: Thus do We explain the signs in detail: that the way of the sinners may be shown up.

[RK]:We thus explain the revelations, and point out the ways of the wicked.

Wakathalika jaAAalna feekulli qaryatin akabira mujrimeeha liyamkuroo feehawama yamkuroona illa bi-anfusihim wamayashAAuroonaوكذلك جعلنا في كل قرية اكابر مجرميها ليمكروا فيها وما يمكرون الا بانفسهم ومايشعرون
[YA]: Thus have We placed leaders in every town, its wicked men, to plot (and burrow) therein: but they only plot against their own souls, and they perceive it not.

[RK]:We allow the leading criminals of every community to plot and scheme. But they only plot and scheme against their own souls, without perceiving.

Wa-itha jaat-hum ayatunqaloo lan nu/mina hatta nu/ta mithlama ootiya rusulu Allahi Allahu aAAlamu haythuyajAAalu risalatahu sayuseebu allatheenaajramoo sagharun AAinda Allahi waAAathabunshadeedun bima kanoo yamkuroonaواذا جاءتهم اية قالوا لن نؤمن حتي نؤتي مثل مااوتي رسل الله الله اعلم حيث يجعل رسالته سيصيب الذين اجرموا صغار عند الله وعذاب شديد بما كانوا يمكرون
[YA]: When there comes to them a sign (from Allah), They say: "We shall not believe until we receive one (exactly) like those received by Allah's messengers." Allah knoweth best where (and how) to carry out His mission. Soon will the wicked be overtaken by humiliation before Allah, and a severe punishment, for all their plots.

[RK]:When a powerful proof comes to them, they say, "We will not believe, unless we are given what is given to GOD's messengers!" GOD knows exactly who is best qualified to deliver His message. Such criminals will suffer debasement at GOD, and terrible retribution as a consequence of their evil scheming.

Fa-in kaththabooka faqul rabbukum thoorahmatin wasiAAatin wala yuraddu ba/suhuAAani alqawmi almujrimeenaفان كذبوك فقل ربكم ذو رحمة واسعة ولايرد باسه عن القوم المجرمين
[YA]: If they accuse thee of falsehood, say: "Your Lord is full of mercy all-embracing; but from people in guilt never will His wrath be turned back.

[RK]:If they disbelieve you, then say, "Your Lord possesses infinite mercy, but His retribution is unavoidable for the guilty people."

Inna allatheena kaththaboo bi-ayatinawaistakbaroo AAanha la tufattahulahum abwabu alssama-i walayadkhuloona aljannata hatta yalija aljamalu feesammi alkhiyati wakathalika najzee almujrimeenaان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لاتفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولايدخلون الجنة حتي يلج الجمل في سم الخياط وكذلك نجزي المجرمين
[YA]: To those who reject Our signs and treat them with arrogance, no opening will there be of the gates of heaven, nor will they enter the garden, until the camel can pass through the eye of the needle: Such is Our reward for those in sin.

[RK]:Surely, those who reject our revelations and are too arrogant to uphold them, the gates of the sky will never open for them, nor will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through the needle's eye. We thus requite the guilty.

Waamtarna AAalayhim mataranfaonthur kayfa kana AAaqibatualmujrimeenaوامطرنا عليهم مطرا فانظر كيف كان عاقبة المجرمين
[YA]: And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone): Then see what was the end of those who indulged in sin and crime!

[RK]:We showered them with a certain shower; note the consequences for the guilty.

Faarsalna AAalayhimu alttoofanawaaljarada waalqummala waalddafadiAAawaalddama ayatin mufassalatinfaistakbaroo wakanoo qawman mujrimeenaفارسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ايات مفصلات فاستكبروا وكانوا قوما مجرمين
[YA]: So We sent (plagues) on them: Wholesale death, Locusts, Lice, Frogs, And Blood: Signs openly self-explained: but they were steeped in arrogance,- a people given to sin.

[RK]:Consequently, we sent upon them the flood, the locusts, the lice, the frogs, and the blood - profound signs. But they maintained their arrogance. They were evil people.

Liyuhiqqa alhaqqa wayubtilaalbatila walaw kariha almujrimoonaليحق الحق ويبطل الباطل ولو كره المجرمون
[YA]: That He might justify Truth and prove Falsehood false, distasteful though it be to those in guilt.

[RK]:For He has decreed that the truth shall prevail, and the falsehood shall vanish, in spite of the evildoers.

La taAAtathiroo qad kafartumbaAAda eemanikum in naAAfu AAan ta-ifatin minkumnuAAaththib ta-ifatan bi-annahum kanoomujrimeenaلاتعتذروا قد كفرتم بعد ايمانكم ان نعف عن طائفة منكم نعذب طائفة بانهم كانوا مجرمين
[YA]: Make ye no excuses: ye have rejected Faith after ye had accepted it. If We pardon some of you, We will punish others amongst you, for that they are in sin.

[RK]:Do not apologize. You have disbelieved after having believed. If we pardon some of you, we will punish others among you, as a consequence of their wickedness.

Walaqad ahlakna alquroona minqablikum lamma thalamoo wajaat-humrusuluhum bialbayyinati wama kanooliyu/minoo kathalika najzee alqawma almujrimeenaولقد اهلكنا القرون من قبلكم لما ظلموا وجاءتهم رسلهم بالبينات وماكانواليؤمنوا كذلك نجزي القوم المجرمين
[YA]: Generations before you We destroyed when they did wrong: their messengers came to them with clear-signs, but they would not believe! thus do We requite those who sin!

[RK]:Many a generation we have annihilated before you when they transgressed. Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they refused to believe. We thus requite the guilty people.

Faman athlamu mimmani iftaraAAala Allahi kathiban aw kaththababi-ayatihi innahu la yuflihualmujrimoonaفمن اظلم ممن افتري علي الله كذبا او كذب باياته انه لايفلح المجرمون
[YA]: Who doth more wrong than such as forge a lie against Allah, or deny His Signs? But never will prosper those who sin.

[RK]:Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD, or rejects His revelations. Certainly, the transgressors never succeed.

Qul araaytum in atakum AAathabuhubayatan aw naharan matha yastaAAjilu minhualmujrimoonaقل ارايتم ان اتاكم عذابه بياتا او نهارا ماذا يستعجل منه المجرمون
[YA]: Say: "Do ye see,- if His punishment should come to you by night or by day,- what portion of it would the sinners wish to hasten?

[RK]:Say, "Whether His retribution comes to you by night or by day, why are the transgressors in such a hurry?

Thumma baAAathna min baAAdihim moosawaharoona ila firAAawna wamala-ihi bi-ayatinafaistakbaroo wakanoo qawman mujrimeenaثم بعثنا من بعدهم موسي وهارون الي فرعون وملئه باياتنا فاستكبروا وكانوا قوما مجرمين
[YA]: Then after them sent We Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his chiefs with Our Signs. But they were arrogant: they were a people in sin.

[RK]:Then we sent after them Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh and his group, with our proofs. But they turned arrogant; and were transgressing people.

Wayuhiqqu Allahu alhaqqabikalimatihi walaw kariha almujrimoonaويحق الله الحق بكلماته ولو كره المجرمون
[YA]: "And Allah by His words doth prove and establish His truth, however much the sinners may hate it!"

[RK]:GOD establishes the truth with His words, despite the criminals.

La jarama annahum fee al-akhiratihumu al-akhsaroonaلاجرم انهم في الاخرة هم الاخسرون
[YA]: Without a doubt, these are the very ones who will lose most in the Hereafter!

[RK]:There is no doubt that, in the Hereafter, they will be the worst losers.

Am yaqooloona iftarahu qul iniiftaraytuhu faAAalayya ijramee waana baree-on mimmatujrimoonaام يقولون افتراه قل ان افتريته فعلي اجرامي وانا بري مما تجرمون
[YA]: Or do they say, "He has forged it"? Say: "If I had forged it, on me were my sin! and I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty!

[RK]:If they say, "He made up this story," then say, "If I made it up, then I am responsible for my crime, and I am innocent of any crime you commit."

Am yaqooloona iftarahu qul iniiftaraytuhu faAAalayya ijramee waana baree-on mimmatujrimoonaام يقولون افتراه قل ان افتريته فعلي اجرامي وانا بري مما تجرمون
[YA]: Or do they say, "He has forged it"? Say: "If I had forged it, on me were my sin! and I am free of the sins of which ye are guilty!

[RK]:If they say, "He made up this story," then say, "If I made it up, then I am responsible for my crime, and I am innocent of any crime you commit."

Waya qawmi istaghfiroo rabbakumthumma tooboo ilayhi yursili alssamaa AAalaykummidraran wayazidkum quwwatan ila quwwatikum walatatawallaw mujrimeenaوياقوم استغفروا ربكم ثم توبوا اليه يرسل السماء عليكم مدرارا ويزدكم قوة الي قوتكم ولاتتولوا مجرمين
[YA]: "And O my people! Ask forgiveness of your Lord, and turn to Him (in repentance): He will send you the skies pouring abundant rain, and add strength to your strength: so turn ye not back in sin!"

[RK]:"O my people, seek forgiveness from your Lord, then repent to Him. He will then shower you with provisions from the sky, and augment your strength. Do not turn back into transgressors."

Waya qawmi la yajrimannakumshiqaqee an yuseebakum mithlu ma asabaqawma noohin aw qawma hoodin aw qawma salihinwama qawmu lootin minkum bibaAAeedinوياقوم لايجرمنكم شقاقي ان يصيبكم مثل مااصاب قوم نوح او قوم هود او قوم صالح وماقوم لوط منكم ببعيد
[YA]: "And O my people! let not my dissent (from you) cause you to sin, lest ye suffer a fate similar to that of the people of Noah or of Hud or of Salih, nor are the people of Lut far off from you!

[RK]:"And, O my people, do not be provoked by your opposition to me into incurring the same disasters as the people of Noah, or the people of Hood, or the people of Saaleh; and the people of Lot are not too far from you.

Falawla kana mina alquroonimin qablikum oloo baqiyyatin yanhawna AAani alfasadi feeal-ardi illa qaleelan mimman anjayna minhumwaittabaAAa allatheena thalamoo maotrifoo feehi wakanoo mujrimeenaفلولا كان من القرون من قبلكم اولوا بقية ينهون عن الفساد في الارض الا قليلا ممن انجينا منهم واتبع الذين ظلموا مااترفوا فيه وكانوا مجرمين
[YA]: Why were there not, among the generations before you, persons possessed of balanced good sense, prohibiting (men) from mischief in the earth - except a few among them whom We saved (from harm)? But the wrong-doers pursued the enjoyment of the good things of life which were given them, and persisted in sin.

[RK]:If only some of those among the previous generations possessed enough intelligence to forbid evil! Only a few of them deserved to be saved by us. As for the transgressors, they were preoccupied with their material luxuries; they were guilty.

Hatta itha istay-asa alrrusuluwathannoo annahum qad kuthiboo jaahumnasruna fanujjiya man nashao walayuraddu ba/suna AAani alqawmi almujrimeenaحتي اذا استياس الرسل وظنوا انهم قد كذبوا جاءهم نصرنا فنجي من نشاء ولايرد باسنا عن القوم المجرمين
[YA]: (Respite will be granted) until, when the messengers give up hope (of their people) and (come to) think that they were treated as liars, there reaches them Our help, and those whom We will are delivered into safety. But never will be warded off our punishment from those who are in sin.

[RK]:Just when the messengers despair, and think that they had been rejected, our victory comes to them. We then save whomever we choose, while our retribution for the guilty people is unavoidable.

Watara almujrimeena yawma-ithinmuqarraneena fee al-asfadiوتري المجرمين يومئذ مقرنين في الاصفاد
[YA]: And thou wilt see the sinners that day bound together in fetters;-

[RK]:And you will see the guilty on that day chained in shackles.

Kathalika naslukuhu fee quloobialmujrimeenaكذلك نسلكه في قلوب المجرمين
[YA]: Even so do we let it creep into the hearts of the sinners -

[RK]:We thus control the minds of the guilty.

Qaloo inna orsilna ilaqawmin mujrimeenaقالوا انا ارسلنا الي قوم مجرمين
[YA]: They said: "We have been sent to a people (deep) in sin,

[RK]:They said, "We are being dispatched to guilty people.

La jarama anna Allaha yaAAlamuma yusirroona wama yuAAlinoona innahu la yuhibbualmustakbireenaلاجرم ان الله يعلم مايسرون ومايعلنون انه لايحب المستكبرين
[YA]: Undoubtedly Allah doth know what they conceal, and what they reveal: verily He loveth not the arrogant.

[RK]:Absolutely, GOD knows everything they conceal and everything they declare. He does not love those who are arrogant.

WayajAAaloona lillahi mayakrahoona watasifu alsinatuhumu alkathiba annalahumu alhusna la jarama anna lahumu alnnarawaannahum mufratoonaويجعلون لله مايكرهون وتصف السنتهم الكذب ان لهم الحسني لاجرم ان لهم النار وانهم مفرطون
[YA]: They attribute to Allah what they hate (for themselves), and their tongues assert the falsehood that all good things are for themselves: without doubt for them is the Fire, and they will be the first to be hastened on into it!

[RK]:They ascribe to GOD what they dislike for themselves, then utter the lie with their own tongues that they are righteous! Without any doubt, they have incurred Hell, for they have rebelled.

La jarama annahum fee al-akhiratihumu alkhasiroonaلاجرم انهم في الاخرة هم الخاسرون
[YA]: Without doubt, in the Hereafter they will perish.

[RK]:Without a doubt, they will be the losers in the Hereafter.

WawudiAAa alkitabu fataraalmujrimeena mushfiqeena mimma feehi wayaqooloona yawaylatana ma lihatha alkitabi layughadiru sagheeratan wala kabeeratan illaahsaha wawajadoo ma AAamiloo hadiranwala yathlimu rabbuka ahadanووضع الكتاب فتري المجرمين مشفقين مما فيه ويقولون ياويلتنا مال هذا الكتاب لايغادر صغيرة ولاكبيرة الا احصاها ووجدوا ماعملوا حاضرا ولايظلم ربك احدا
[YA]: And the Book (of Deeds) will be placed (before you); and thou wilt see the sinful in great terror because of what is (recorded) therein; they will say, "Ah! woe to us! what a Book is this! It leaves out nothing small or great, but takes account thereof!" They will find all that they did, placed before them: And not one will thy Lord treat with injustice.

[RK]:The record will be shown, and you will see the guilty fearful of its contents. They will say, "Woe to us. How come this book leaves nothing, small or large, without counting it?" They will find everything they had done brought forth. Your Lord is never unjust towards anyone.

Waraa almujrimoona alnnarafathannoo annahum muwaqiAAooha walamyajidoo AAanha masrifanوراي المجرمون النار فظنوا انهم مواقعوها ولم يجدوا عنها مصرفا
[YA]: And the Sinful shall see the fire and apprehend that they have to fall therein: no means will they find to turn away therefrom.

[RK]:The guilty will see Hell, and will realize that they will fall into it. They will have no escape therefrom.

Wanasooqu almujrimeena ila jahannamawirdanونسوق المجرمين الي جهنم وردا
[YA]: And We shall drive the sinners to Hell, like thirsty cattle driven down to water,-

[RK]:And we will herd the guilty to Hell, to be their eternal abode.

Innahu man ya/ti rabbahu mujriman fa-innalahu jahannama la yamootu feeha wala yahyaانه من يات ربه مجرما فان له جهنم لايموت فيها ولايحيي
[YA]: Verily he who comes to his Lord as a sinner (at Judgment),- for him is Hell: therein shall he neither die nor live.

[RK]:Anyone who comes to his Lord guilty will incur Hell, wherein he never dies, nor stays alive.

Yawma yunfakhu fee alssooriwanahshuru almujrimeena yawma-ithin zurqanيوم ينفخ في الصور ونحشر المجرمين يومئذ زرقا
[YA]: The Day when the Trumpet will be sounded: that Day, We shall gather the sinful, blear-eyed (with terror).

[RK]:That is the day when the horn is blown, and we summon the guilty on that day blue.

Yawma yarawna almala-ikata labushra yawma-ithin lilmujrimeena wayaqooloona hijranmahjooranيوم يرون الملائكة لابشري يومئذ للمجرمين ويقولون حجرا محجورا
[YA]: The Day they see the angels,- no joy will there be to the sinners that Day: The (angels) will say: "There is a barrier forbidden (to you) altogether!"

[RK]:The day they see the angels, it will not be good news for the guilty; they will say, "Now, we are irreversibly confined."

Wakathalika jaAAalna likullinabiyyin AAaduwwan mina almujrimeena wakafa birabbika hadiyanwanaseeranوكذلك جعلنا لكل نبي عدوا من المجرمين وكفي بربك هاديا ونصيرا
[YA]: Thus have We made for every prophet an enemy among the sinners: but enough is thy Lord to guide and to help.

[RK]:We also set up against every prophet enemies from among the guilty. Your Lord suffices as a guide, a master.

Wama adallana illaalmujrimoonaومااضلنا الا المجرمون
[YA]: "'And our seducers were only those who were steeped in guilt.

[RK]:"Those who misled us were wicked.

Kathalika salaknahu feequloobi almujrimeenaكذلك سلكناه في قلوب المجرمين
[YA]: Thus have We caused it to enter the hearts of the sinners.

[RK]:We thus render it (like a foreign language) in the hearts of the guilty.

Qul seeroo fee al-ardi faonthurookayfa kana AAaqibatu almujrimeenaقل سيروا في الارض فانظروا كيف كان عاقبة المجرمين
[YA]: Say: "Go ye through the earth and see what has been the end of those guilty (of sin)."

[RK]:Say, "Roam the earth and note the consequences for the guilty."

Qala rabbi bima anAAamtaAAalayya falan akoona thaheeran lilmujrimeenaقال رب بما انعمت علي فلن اكون ظهيرا للمجرمين
[YA]: He said: "O my Lord! For that Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace on me, never shall I be a help to those who sin!"

[RK]:He said, "My Lord, in return for Your blessings upon me, I will never be a supporter of the guilty ones."

Qala innama ooteetuhu AAalaAAilmin AAindee awa lam yaAAlam anna Allaha qad ahlaka minqablihi mina alqurooni man huwa ashaddu minhu quwwatan waaktharujamAAan wala yus-alu AAan thunoobihimu almujrimoonaقال انما اوتيته علي علم عندي اولم يعلم ان الله قد اهلك من قبله من القرون من هو اشد منه قوة واكثر جمعا ولايسال عن ذنوبهم المجرمون
[YA]: He said: "This has been given to me because of a certain knowledge which I have." Did he not know that Allah had destroyed, before him, (whole) generations,- which were superior to him in strength and greater in the amount (of riches) they had collected? but the wicked are not called (immediately) to account for their sins.

[RK]:He said, "I attained all this because of my own cleverness." Did he not realize that GOD had annihilated before him generations that were much stronger than he, and greater in number? The (annihilated) transgressors were not asked about their crimes.

Wayawma taqoomu alssaAAatuyublisu almujrimoonaويوم تقوم الساعة يبلس المجرمون
[YA]: On the Day that the Hour will be established, the guilty will be struck dumb with despair.

[RK]:On the Day when the Hour comes to pass, the guilty will be shocked.

Walaqad arsalna min qablika rusulanila qawmihim fajaoohum bialbayyinatifaintaqamna mina allatheena ajramoo wakanahaqqan AAalayna nasru almu/mineenaولقد ارسلنا من قبلك رسلا الي قومهم فجاؤوهم بالبينات فانتقمنا من الذين اجرموا وكان حقا علينا نصر المؤمنين
[YA]: We did indeed send, before thee, messengers to their (respective) peoples, and they came to them with Clear Signs: then, to those who transgressed, We meted out Retribution: and it was due from Us to aid those who believed.

[RK]:We have sent messengers before you to their people, with profound signs. Subsequently, we punished those who transgressed. It is our duty that we grant victory to the believers.

Wayawma taqoomu alssaAAatuyuqsimu almujrimoona ma labithoo ghayra saAAatin kathalikakanoo yu/fakoonaويوم تقوم الساعة يقسم المجرمون مالبثوا غير ساعة كذلك كانوا يؤفكون
[YA]: On the Day that the Hour (of Reckoning) will be established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour: thus were they used to being deluded!

[RK]:On the day when the Hour comes to pass, the guilty will swear that they lasted (in this world) only one hour. That is how wrong they were.

Walaw tara ithi almujrimoona nakisooruoosihim AAinda rabbihim rabbana absarnawasamiAAna faarjiAAna naAAmal salihaninna mooqinoonaولو تري اذ المجرمون ناكسوا رؤوسهم عند ربهم ربنا ابصرنا وسمعنا فارجعنا نعمل صالحا انا موقنون
[YA]: If only thou couldst see when the guilty ones will bend low their heads before their Lord, (saying:) "Our Lord! We have seen and we have heard: Now then send us back (to the world): we will work righteousness: for we do indeed (now) believe."

[RK]:If only you could see the guilty when they bow down their heads before their Lord: "Our Lord, now we have seen and we have heard. Send us back and we will be righteous. Now we have attained certainty."

Waman athlamu mimman thukkirabi-ayati rabbihi thumma aAArada AAanhainna mina almujrimeena muntaqimoonaومن اظلم ممن ذكر بايات ربه ثم اعرض عنها انا من المجرمين منتقمون
[YA]: And who does more wrong than one to whom are recited the Signs of his Lord, and who then turns away therefrom? Verily from those who transgress We shall exact (due) Retribution.

[RK]:Who is more evil than one who is reminded of these revelations of his Lord, then insists upon disregarding them? We will certainly punish the guilty.

Qul la tus-aloona AAammaajramna wala nus-alu AAamma taAAmaloonaقل لاتسالون عما اجرمنا ولانسال عما تعملون
[YA]: Say: "Ye shall not be questioned as to our sins, nor shall we be questioned as to what ye do."

[RK]:Say, "You are not responsible for our crimes, nor are we responsible for what you do."

Qala allatheena istakbaroolillatheena istudAAifoo anahnu sadadnakumAAani alhuda baAAda ith jaakum bal kuntummujrimeenaقال الذين استكبروا للذين استضعفوا انحن صددناكم عن الهدي بعد اذ جاءكم بل كنتم مجرمين
[YA]: The arrogant ones will say to those who had been despised: "Was it we who kept you back from Guidance after it reached you? Nay, rather, it was ye who transgressed.

[RK]:The leaders will say to those who followed them, "Are we the ones who diverted you from the guidance after it came to you? No; it is you who were wicked."

Waimtazoo alyawma ayyuhaalmujrimoonaوامتازوا اليوم ايها المجرمون
[YA]: "And O ye in sin! Get ye apart this Day!

[RK]:As for you, O guilty ones, you will be set aside.

Inna kathalika nafAAalu bialmujrimeenaانا كذلك نفعل بالمجرمين
[YA]: Verily that is how We shall deal with Sinners.

[RK]:This is how we requite the guilty.

La jarama annama tadAAoonaneeilayhi laysa lahu daAAwatun fee alddunya walafee al-akhirati waanna maraddana ila Allahiwaanna almusrifeena hum as-habu alnnariلاجرم انما تدعونني اليه ليس له دعوة في الدنيا ولافي الاخرة وان مردنا الي الله وان المسرفين هم اصحاب النار
[YA]: "Without doubt ye do call me to one who is not fit to be called to, whether in this world, or in the Hereafter; our return will be to Allah; and the Transgressors will be Companions of the Fire!

[RK]:"There is no doubt that what you invite me to do has no basis in this world, nor in the Hereafter, that our ultimate return is to GOD, and that the transgressors have incurred the hellfire.

Inna almujrimeena fee AAathabijahannama khalidoonaان المجرمين في عذاب جهنم خالدون
[YA]: The sinners will be in the Punishment of Hell, to dwell therein (for aye):

[RK]:Surely, the guilty will abide in the retribution of Gehenna forever.

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