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Qad makara allatheena min qablihimfaata Allahu bunyanahum mina alqawaAAidifakharra AAalayhimu alssaqfu min fawqihim waatahumualAAathabu min haythu la yashAAuroonaقد مكر الذين من قبلهم فاتي الله بنيانهم من القواعد فخر عليهم السقف من فوقهم واتاهم العذاب من حيث لايشعرون
[YA]: Those before them did also plot (against Allah's Way): but Allah took their structures from their foundations, and the roof fell down on them from above; and the Wrath seized them from directions they did not perceive.

[RK]:Others like them have schemed in the past, and consequently, GOD destroyed their building at the foundation, causing the roof to fall on them. The retribution struck them when they least expected.

Afaamina allatheena makaroo alssayyi-atian yakhsifa Allahu bihimu al-arda aw ya/tiyahumualAAathabu min haythu la yashAAuroonaافامن الذين مكروا السيئات ان يخسف الله بهم الارض او ياتيهم العذاب من حيث لايشعرون
[YA]: Do then those who devise evil (plots) feel secure that Allah will not cause the earth to swallow them up, or that the Wrath will not seize them from directions they little perceive?-

[RK]:Did those who scheme evil schemes guarantee that GOD will not cause the earth to swallow them, or that the retribution will not come to them when they least expect it?

TaAllahi laqad arsalnaila omamin min qablika fazayyana lahumu alshshaytanuaAAmalahum fahuwa waliyyuhumu alyawma walahum AAathabunaleemunتالله لقد ارسلنا الي امم من قبلك فزين لهم الشيطان اعمالهم فهو وليهم اليوم ولهم عذاب اليم
[YA]: By Allah, We (also) sent (Our messengers) to Peoples before thee; but Satan made, (to the wicked), their own acts seem alluring: He is also their patron today, but they shall have a most grievous penalty.

[RK]:By GOD, we have sent (messengers) to communities before you, but the devil adorned their works in their eyes. Consequently, he is now their lord, and they have incurred a painful retribution.

Wa-itha raa allatheena thalamooalAAathaba fala yukhaffafu AAanhum wala humyuntharoonaواذا راي الذين ظلموا العذاب فلايخفف عنهم ولاهم ينظرون
[YA]: When the wrong-doers (actually) see the Penalty, then will it in no way be mitigated, nor will they then receive respite.

[RK]:Once those who transgressed see the retribution, it will be too late; it will not be commuted for them, nor will they be respited.

Allatheena kafaroo wasaddooAAan sabeeli Allahi zidnahum AAathaban fawqaalAAathabi bima kanoo yufsidoonaالذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل الله زدناهم عذابا فوق العذاب بماكانوا يفسدون
[YA]: Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah - for them will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief.

[RK]:Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, we augment their retribution by adding more retribution, due to their transgressions.

Allatheena kafaroo wasaddooAAan sabeeli Allahi zidnahum AAathaban fawqaalAAathabi bima kanoo yufsidoonaالذين كفروا وصدوا عن سبيل الله زدناهم عذابا فوق العذاب بماكانوا يفسدون
[YA]: Those who reject Allah and hinder (men) from the Path of Allah - for them will We add Penalty to Penalty; for that they used to spread mischief.

[RK]:Those who disbelieve and repel from the path of GOD, we augment their retribution by adding more retribution, due to their transgressions.

Wala tattakhithoo aymanakumdakhalan baynakum fatazilla qadamun baAAda thubootiha watathooqooalssoo-a bima sadadtum AAan sabeeli Allahiwalakum AAathabun AAatheemunولاتتخذوا ايمانكم دخلا بينكم فتزل قدم بعد ثبوتها وتذوقوا السوء بما صددتم عن سبيل الله ولكم عذاب عظيم
[YA]: And take not your oaths, to practise deception between yourselves, with the result that someone's foot may slip after it was firmly planted, and ye may have to taste the evil (consequences) of having hindered (men) from the Path of Allah, and a Mighty Wrath descend on you.

[RK]:Do not abuse the oaths among you, lest you slide back after having a strong foothold, then you incur misery. Such is the consequence of repelling from the path of GOD (by setting a bad example); you incur a terrible retribution.

Inna allatheena la yu/minoonabi-ayati Allahi la yahdeehimu Allahuwalahum AAathabun aleemunان الذين لايؤمنون بايات الله لايهديهم الله ولهم عذاب اليم
[YA]: Those who believe not in the Signs of Allah,- Allah will not guide them, and theirs will be a grievous Penalty.

[RK]:Surely, those who do not believe in GOD's revelations, GOD does not guide them. They have incurred a painful retribution.

Man kafara biAllahi minbaAAdi eemanihi illa man okriha waqalbuhu mutma-innunbial-eemani walakin man sharaha bialkufrisadran faAAalayhim ghadabun mina Allahiwalahum AAathabun AAatheemunمن كفر بالله من بعد ايمانه الا من اكره وقلبه مطمئن بالايمان ولكن من شرح بالكفر صدرا فعليهم غضب من الله ولهم عذاب عظيم
[YA]: Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief,- except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith - but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty.

[RK]:Those who disbelieve in GOD, after having acquired faith, and become fully content with disbelief, have incurred wrath from GOD. The only ones to be excused are those who are forced to profess disbelief, while their hearts are full of faith.

Walaqad jaahum rasoolun minhum fakaththaboohufaakhathahumu alAAathabu wahum thalimoonaولقد جاءهم رسول منهم فكذبوه فاخذهم العذاب وهم ظالمون
[YA]: And there came to them a Messenger from among themselves, but they falsely rejected him; so the Wrath seized them even in the midst of their iniquities.

[RK]:A messenger had gone to them from among them, but they rejected him. Consequently, the retribution struck them for their transgression.

MataAAun qaleelun walahum AAathabunaleemunمتاع قليل ولهم عذاب اليم
[YA]: (In such falsehood) is but a paltry profit; but they will have a most grievous Penalty.

[RK]:They enjoy briefly, then suffer painful retribution.

Waanna allatheena layu/minoona bial-akhirati aAAtadna lahum AAathabanaleemanوان الذين لايؤمنون بالاخرة اعتدنا لهم عذابا اليما
[YA]: And to those who believe not in the Hereafter, (it announceth) that We have prepared for them a Penalty Grievous (indeed).

[RK]:As for those who disbelieve in the Hereafter, we have prepared for them a painful retribution.

Mani ihtada fa-innama yahtadeelinafsihi waman dalla fa-innama yadilluAAalayha wala taziru waziratun wizra okhrawama kunna muAAaththibeena hattanabAAatha rasoolanمن اهتدي فانما يهتدي لنفسه ومن ضل فانما يضل عليها ولاتزرو وازرة وزر اخري وماكنا معذبين حتي نبعث رسولا
[YA]: Who receiveth guidance, receiveth it for his own benefit: who goeth astray doth so to his own loss: No bearer of burdens can bear the burden of another: nor would We visit with Our Wrath until We had sent an messenger (to give warning).

[RK]:Whoever is guided, is guided for his own good, and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. No sinner will bear the sins of anyone else. We never punish without first sending a messenger.

Rabbukum aAAlamu bikum in yasha/ yarhamkumaw in yasha/ yuAAaththibkum wama arsalnakaAAalayhim wakeelanربكم اعلم بكم ان يشا يرحمكم او ان يشا يعذبكم وماارسلناك عليهم وكيلا
[YA]: It is your Lord that knoweth you best: If He please, He granteth you mercy, or if He please, punishment: We have not sent thee to be a disposer of their affairs for them.

[RK]:Your Lord knows you best. According to His knowledge, He may shower you with mercy, or He may requite you. We did not send you to be their advocate.

Ola-ika allatheena yadAAoonayabtaghoona ila rabbihimu alwaseelata ayyuhum aqrabuwayarjoona rahmatahu wayakhafoona AAathabahuinna AAathaba rabbika kana mahthooranاولئك الذين يدعون يبتغون الي ربهم الوسيلة ايهم اقرب ويرجون رحمته ويخافون عذابه ان عذاب ربك كان محذورا
[YA]: Those whom they call upon do desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of.

[RK]:Even the idols that they implore are seeking the ways and means towards their Lord. They pray for His mercy, and fear His retribution. Surely, the retribution of your Lord is dreadful.

Ola-ika allatheena yadAAoonayabtaghoona ila rabbihimu alwaseelata ayyuhum aqrabuwayarjoona rahmatahu wayakhafoona AAathabahuinna AAathaba rabbika kana mahthooranاولئك الذين يدعون يبتغون الي ربهم الوسيلة ايهم اقرب ويرجون رحمته ويخافون عذابه ان عذاب ربك كان محذورا
[YA]: Those whom they call upon do desire (for themselves) means of access to their Lord, - even those who are nearest: they hope for His Mercy and fear His Wrath: for the Wrath of thy Lord is something to take heed of.

[RK]:Even the idols that they implore are seeking the ways and means towards their Lord. They pray for His mercy, and fear His retribution. Surely, the retribution of your Lord is dreadful.

Wa-in min qaryatin illa nahnumuhlikooha qabla yawmi alqiyamati aw muAAaththiboohaAAathaban shadeedan kana thalika fee alkitabimastooranوان من قرية الا نحن مهلكوها قبل يوم القيامة او معذبوها عذابا شديدا كان ذلك في الكتاب مسطورا
[YA]: There is not a population but We shall destroy it before the Day of Judgment or punish it with a dreadful Penalty: that is written in the (eternal) Record.

[RK]:There is not a community that we will not annihilate before the Day of Resurrection, or inflict severe retribution upon them. This is already written down in the book.

Wa-in min qaryatin illa nahnumuhlikooha qabla yawmi alqiyamati aw muAAaththiboohaAAathaban shadeedan kana thalika fee alkitabimastooranوان من قرية الا نحن مهلكوها قبل يوم القيامة او معذبوها عذابا شديدا كان ذلك في الكتاب مسطورا
[YA]: There is not a population but We shall destroy it before the Day of Judgment or punish it with a dreadful Penalty: that is written in the (eternal) Record.

[RK]:There is not a community that we will not annihilate before the Day of Resurrection, or inflict severe retribution upon them. This is already written down in the book.

Wama manaAAa alnnasa anyu/minoo ith jaahumu alhuda wayastaghfiroorabbahum illa an ta/tiyahum sunnatu al-awwaleena awya/tiyahumu alAAathabu qubulanومامنع الناس ان يؤمنوا اذ جاءهم الهدي ويستغفروا ربهم الا ان تاتيهم سنة الاولين او ياتيهم العذاب قبلا
[YA]: And what is there to keep back men from believing, now that Guidance has come to them, nor from praying for forgiveness from their Lord, but that (they ask that) the ways of the ancients be repeated with them, or the Wrath be brought to them face to face?

[RK]:Nothing prevented the people from believing, when the guidance came to them, and from seeking the forgiveness of their Lord, except that they demanded to see the same (kind of miracles) as the previous generations, or challenged to see the retribution beforehand.

Warabbuka alghafooru thoo alrrahmatilaw yu-akhithuhum bima kasaboo laAAajjalalahumu alAAathaba bal lahum mawAAidun lan yajidoo mindoonihi maw-ilanوربك الغفور ذو الرحمة لو يؤاخذهم بما كسبوا لعجل لهم العذاب بل لهم موعد لن يجدوا من دونه موئلا
[YA]: But your Lord is Most forgiving, full of Mercy. If He were to call them (at once) to account for what they have earned, then surely He would have hastened their punishment: but they have their appointed time, beyond which they will find no refuge.

[RK]:Yet, your Lord is the Forgiver, full of mercy. If He called them to account for their deeds, He would annihilate them right there and then. Instead, He gives them a respite until a specific, predetermined time; then they can never escape.

Hatta itha balaghamaghriba alshshamsi wajadaha taghrubu fee AAaynin hami-atinwawajada AAindaha qawman qulna ya thaalqarnayni imma an tuAAaththiba wa-imma antattakhitha feehim husnanحتي اذا بلغ مغرب الشمس وجدها تغرب في عين حمئة ووجد عندها قوما قلنا ياذا القرنين اما ان تعذب واما ان تتخذ فيهم حسنا
[YA]: Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness."

[RK]:When he reached the far west, he found the sun setting in a vast ocean, and found people there. We said, "O Zul-Qarnain, you can rule as you wish; either punish, or be kind to them."

Qala amma man thalamafasawfa nuAAaththibuhu thumma yuraddu ila rabbihifayuAAaththibuhu AAathaban nukranقال اما من ظلم فسوف نعذبه ثم يرد الي ربه فيعذبه عذابا نكرا
[YA]: He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

[RK]:He said, "As for those who transgress, we will punish them; then, when they return to their Lord, He will commit them to more retribution.

Qala amma man thalamafasawfa nuAAaththibuhu thumma yuraddu ila rabbihifayuAAaththibuhu AAathaban nukranقال اما من ظلم فسوف نعذبه ثم يرد الي ربه فيعذبه عذابا نكرا
[YA]: He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

[RK]:He said, "As for those who transgress, we will punish them; then, when they return to their Lord, He will commit them to more retribution.

Qala amma man thalamafasawfa nuAAaththibuhu thumma yuraddu ila rabbihifayuAAaththibuhu AAathaban nukranقال اما من ظلم فسوف نعذبه ثم يرد الي ربه فيعذبه عذابا نكرا
[YA]: He said: "Whoever doth wrong, him shall we punish; then shall he be sent back to his Lord; and He will punish him with a punishment unheard-of (before).

[RK]:He said, "As for those who transgress, we will punish them; then, when they return to their Lord, He will commit them to more retribution.

Ya abati innee akhafu anyamassaka AAathabun mina alrrahmanifatakoona lilshshyatani waliyyanياابت اني اخاف ان يمسسك عذاب من الرحمن فتكون للشيطان وليا
[YA]: "O my father! I fear lest a Penalty afflict thee from (Allah) Most Gracious, so that thou become to Satan a friend."

[RK]:"O my father, I fear lest you incur retribution from the Most Gracious, then become an ally of the devil."

Qul man kana fee alddalalatifalyamdud lahu alrrahmanu maddan hattaitha raaw ma yooAAadoona imma alAAathabawa-imma alssaAAata fasayaAAlamoona man huwasharrun makanan waadAAafu jundanقل من كان في الضلالة فليمدد له الرحمن مدا حتي اذا راوا مايوعدون اما العذاب واما الساعة فسيعلمون من هو شر مكانا واضعف جندا
[YA]: Say: "If any men go astray, (Allah) Most Gracious extends (the rope) to them, until, when they see the warning of Allah (being fulfilled) - either in punishment or in (the approach of) the Hour,- they will at length realise who is worst in position, and (who) weakest in forces!

[RK]:Say, "Those who choose to go astray, the Most Gracious will lead them on, until they see what is promised for them - either the retribution or the Hour. That is when they find out who really is worse off, and weaker in power."

Kalla sanaktubu ma yaqooluwanamuddu lahu mina alAAathabi maddanكلا سنكتب مايقول ونمد له من العذاب مدا
[YA]: Nay! We shall record what he says, and We shall add and add to his punishment.

[RK]:Indeed, we will record what he utters, then commit him to ever-increasing retribution.

Fa/tiyahu faqoola innarasoola rabbika faarsil maAAana banee isra-eelawala tuAAaththibhum qad ji/naka bi-ayatinmin rabbika waalssalamu AAala mani ittabaAAaalhudaفاتياه فقولا انا رسولا ربك فارسل معنا بني اسرائيل ولاتعذبهم قد جئناك باية من ربك والسلام علي من اتبع الهدي
[YA]: "So go ye both to him, and say, 'Verily we are messengers sent by thy Lord: Send forth, therefore, the Children of Israel with us, and afflict them not: with a Sign, indeed, have we come from thy Lord! and peace to all who follow guidance!

[RK]:"Go to him and say, `We are two messengers from your Lord. Let the Children of Israel go. You must refrain from persecuting them. We bring a sign from your Lord, and peace is the lot of those who heed the guidance.

Inna qad oohiya ilaynaanna alAAathaba AAala man kaththaba watawallaانا قد اوحي الينا ان العذاب علي من كذب وتولي
[YA]: "'Verily it has been revealed to us that the Penalty (awaits) those who reject and turn away.'"

[RK]:"`We have been inspired that the retribution will inevitably afflict those who disbelieve and turn away.' "

Qala lahum moosa waylakum lataftaroo AAala Allahi kathiban fayushitakumbiAAathabin waqad khaba mani iftaraقال لهم موسي ويلكم لاتفتروا علي الله كذبا فيسحتكم بعذاب وقد خاب من افتري
[YA]: Moses said to him: Woe to you! Forge not ye a lie against Allah, lest He destroy you (at once) utterly by chastisement: the forger must suffer frustration!"

[RK]:Moses said to them, "Woe to you. Do you fabricate lies to fight GOD and thus incur His retribution? Such fabricators will surely fail."

Qala amantum lahu qabla an athanalakum innahu lakabeerukumu allathee AAallamakumu alssihrafalaoqattiAAanna aydiyakum waarjulakum min khilafinwalaosallibannakum fee juthooAAi alnnakhliwalataAAlamunna ayyuna ashaddu AAathaban waabqaقال امنتم له قبل ان اذن لكم انه لكبيركم الذي علمكم السحر فلاقطعن ايديكم وارجلكم من خلاف ولاصلبنكم في جذوع النخل ولتعلمن اينا اشد عذابا وابقي
[YA]: (Pharaoh) said: "Believe ye in Him before I give you permission? Surely this must be your leader, who has taught you magic! be sure I will cut off your hands and feet on opposite sides, and I will have you crucified on trunks of palm-trees: so shall ye know for certain, which of us can give the more severe and the more lasting punishment!"

[RK]:He said, "Did you believe in him without my permission? He must be your chief; the one who taught you magic. I will surely sever your hands and feet on alternate sides. I will crucify you on the palm trunks. You will find out which of us can inflict the worst retribution, and who outlasts whom."

Wakathalika najzee man asrafa walamyu/min bi-ayati rabbihi walaAAathabu al-akhiratiashaddu waabqaوكذلك نجزي من اسرف ولم يؤمن بايات ربه ولعذاب الاخرة اشد وابقي
[YA]: And thus do We recompense him who transgresses beyond bounds and believes not in the Signs of his Lord: and the Penalty of the Hereafter is far more grievous and more enduring.

[RK]:We thus requite those who transgress and refuse to believe in the revelations of their Lord. The retribution in the Hereafter is far worse and everlasting.

Walaw anna ahlaknahum biAAathabinmin qablihi laqaloo rabbana lawla arsaltailayna rasoolan fanattabiAAa ayatika minqabli an nathilla wanakhzaولو انا اهلكناهم بعذاب من قبله لقالوا ربنا لولا ارسلت الينا رسولا فنتبع اياتك من قبل ان نذل ونخزي
[YA]: And if We had inflicted on them a penalty before this, they would have said: "Our Lord! If only Thou hadst sent us a messenger, we should certainly have followed Thy Signs before we were humbled and put to shame."

[RK]:Had we annihilated them before this, they would have said, "Our Lord, had You sent a messenger to us, we would have followed Your revelations, and would have avoided this shame and humiliation."

Wala-in massat-hum nafhatun min AAathabirabbika layaqoolunna ya waylana inna kunnathalimeenaولئن مستهم نفحة من عذاب ربك ليقولن ياويلناانا كنا ظالمين
[YA]: If but a breath of the Wrath of thy Lord do touch them, they will then say, "Woe to us! we did wrong indeed!"

[RK]:When a sample of your Lord's retribution afflicts them, they readily say, "We were indeed wicked."

Yawma tarawnaha tathhalu kullumurdiAAatin AAamma ardaAAat watadaAAukullu thati hamlin hamlaha wataraalnnasa sukara wama hum bisukarawalakinna AAathaba Allahi shadeedunيوم ترونها تذهل كل مرضعة عما ارضعت وتضع كل ذات حمل حملها وتري الناس سكاري وماهم بسكاري ولكن عذاب الله شديد
[YA]: The Day ye shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling-babe, and every pregnant female shall drop her load (unformed): thou shalt see mankind as in a drunken riot, yet not drunk: but dreadful will be the Wrath of Allah.

[RK]:The day you witness it, even a nursing mother will discard her infant, and a pregnant woman will abort her fetus. You will see the people staggering, as if they are intoxicated, even though they are not intoxicated. This is because GOD's retribution is so awesome.

Kutiba AAalayhi annahu man tawallahufaannahu yudilluhu wayahdeehi ila AAathabi alssaAAeeriكتب عليه انه من تولاه فانه يضله ويهديه الي عذاب السعير
[YA]: About the (Evil One) it is decreed that whoever turns to him for friendship, him will he lead astray, and he will guide him to the Penalty of the Fire.

[RK]:It is decreed that anyone who allies himself with him, he will mislead him and guide him to the agony of Hell.

Thaniya AAitfihi liyudillaAAan sabeeli Allahi lahu fee alddunyakhizyun wanutheequhu yawma alqiyamati AAathabaalhareeqiثاني عطفه ليضل عن سبيل الله له في الدنيا خزي ونذيقه يوم القيامة عذاب الحريق
[YA]: (Disdainfully) bending his side, in order to lead (men) astray from the Path of Allah: for him there is disgrace in this life, and on the Day of Judgment We shall make him taste the Penalty of burning (Fire).

[RK]:Arrogantly he strives to divert the people from the path of GOD. He thus incurs humiliation in this life, and we commit him on the Day of Resurrection to the agony of burning.

Alam tara anna Allaha yasjudu lahuman fee alssamawati waman fee al-ardiwaalshshamsu waalqamaru waalnnujoomu waaljibaluwaalshshajaru waalddawabbu wakatheerun minaalnnasi wakatheerun haqqa AAalayhi alAAathabuwaman yuhini Allahu fama lahu min mukrimin inna AllahayafAAalu ma yasha/oالم تر ان الله يسجد له من في السماوات ومن في الارض والشمس والقمر والنجوم والجبال والشجر والدواب وكثير من الناس وكثير حق عليه العذاب ومن يهن الله فماله من مكرم ان الله يفعل مايشاء
[YA]: Seest thou not that to Allah bow down in worship all things that are in the heavens and on earth,- the sun, the moon, the stars; the hills, the trees, the animals; and a great number among mankind? But a great number are (also) such as are fit for Punishment: and such as Allah shall disgrace,- None can raise to honour: for Allah carries out all that He wills.

[RK]:Do you not realize that to GOD prostrates everyone in the heavens and the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Many others among the people are committed to doom. Whomever GOD shames, none will honor him. Everything is in accordance with GOD's will.

Kullama aradoo an yakhrujoominha min ghammin oAAeedoo feeha wathooqooAAathaba alhareeqiكلما ارادوا ان يخرجوا منها من غم اعيدوا فيهاوذوقوا عذاب الحريق
[YA]: Every time they wish to get away therefrom, from anguish, they will be forced back therein, and (it will be said), "Taste ye the Penalty of Burning!"

[RK]:Whenever they try to exit such misery, they will be forced back in: "Taste the agony of burning."

Inna allatheena kafaroo wayasuddoonaAAan sabeeli Allahi waalmasjidi alharamiallathee jaAAalnahu lilnnasi sawaanalAAakifu feehi waalbadi waman yurid feehibi-ilhadin bithulmin nuthiqhu min AAathabinaleeminان الذين كفروا ويصدون عن سبيل الله والمسجد الحرام الذي جعلناه للناس سواء العاكف فيه والباد ومن يرد فيه بالحاد بظلم نذقه من عذاب اليم
[YA]: As to those who have rejected (Allah), and would keep back (men) from the Way of Allah, and from the Sacred Mosque, which We have made (open) to (all) men - equal is the dweller there and the visitor from the country - and any whose purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous Penalty.

[RK]:Surely, those who disbelieve and repulse others from the path of GOD, and from the Sacred Masjid that we designated for all the people - be they natives or visitors - and seek to pollute it and corrupt it, we will afflict them with painful retribution.

WayastaAAjiloonaka bialAAathabiwalan yukhlifa Allahu waAAdahu wa-inna yawman AAindarabbika kaalfi sanatin mimma taAAuddoonaويستعجلونك بالعذاب ولن يخلف الله وعده وان يوما عند ربك كالف سنة مما تعدون
[YA]: Yet they ask thee to hasten on the Punishment! But Allah will not fail in His Promise. Verily a Day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning.

[RK]:They challenge you to bring retribution, and GOD never fails to fulfill His prophecy. A day of your Lord is like a thousand of your years.

Wala yazalu allatheenakafaroo fee miryatin minhu hatta ta/tiyahumu alssaAAatubaghtatan aw ya/tiyahum AAathabu yawmin AAaqeeminولايزال الذين كفروا في مرية منه حتي تاتيهم الساعة بغتة او ياتيهم عذاب يوم عقيم
[YA]: Those who reject Faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until the Hour (of Judgment) comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the Penalty of a Day of Disaster.

[RK]:As for those who disbelieve, they will continue to harbor doubts until the Hour comes to them suddenly, or until the retribution of a terrible day comes to them.

Waallatheena kafaroo wakaththaboobi-ayatina faola-ika lahum AAathabunmuheenunوالذين كفروا وكذبوا باياتنا فاولئك لهم عذاب مهين
[YA]: And for those who reject Faith and deny our Signs, there will be a humiliating Punishment.

[RK]:While those who disbelieved and rejected our revelations have incurred a shameful retribution.

Hatta itha akhathnamutrafeehim bialAAathabi itha hum yaj-aroonaحتي اذا اخذنا مترفيهم بالعذاب اذا هم يجارون
[YA]: Until, when We seize in Punishment those of them who received the good things of this world, behold, they will groan in supplication!

[RK]:Then, when we requite their leaders with retribution, they complain.

Walaqad akhathnahum bialAAathabifama istakanoo lirabbihim wama yatadarraAAoonaولقد اخذناهم بالعذاب فما استكانوا لربهم وما يتضرعون
[YA]: We inflicted Punishment on them, but they humbled not themselves to their Lord, nor do they submissively entreat (Him)!-

[RK]:Even when we afflicted them with retribution, they never turned to their Lord imploring.

Hatta itha fatahnaAAalayhim baban tha AAathabin shadeedin ithahum feehi mublisoonaحتي اذا فتحنا عليهم بابا ذا عذاب شديد اذا هم فيه مبلسون
[YA]: Until We open on them a gate leading to a severe Punishment: then Lo! they will be plunged in despair therein!

[RK]:Subsequently, when we requited them with the severe retribution they had incurred, they were shocked.

Alzzaniyatu waalzzaneefaijlidoo kulla wahidin minhuma mi-atajaldatin wala ta/khuthkum bihima ra/fatunfee deeni Allahi in kuntum tu/minoona biAllahiwaalyawmi al-akhiri walyashhad AAathabahumata-ifatun mina almu/mineenaالزانية والزاني فاجلدوا كل واحد منهما مئة جلدة ولاتاخذكم بهما رافة في دين الله ان كنتم تؤمنون بالله واليوم الاخر وليشهد عذابهما طائفة من المؤمنين
[YA]: The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.

[RK]:The adulteress and the adulterer you shall whip each of them a hundred lashes. Do not be swayed by pity from carrying out GOD's law, if you truly believe in GOD and the Last Day. And let a group of believers witness their penalty.

Wayadrao AAanha alAAathaba antashhada arbaAAa shahadatin biAllahiinnahu lamina alkathibeenaويدراو عنها العذاب ان تشهد اربع شهادات بالله انه لمن الكاذبين
[YA]: But it would avert the punishment from the wife, if she bears witness four times (with an oath) By Allah, that (her husband) is telling a lie;

[RK]:She shall be considered innocent if she swears by GOD four times that he is a liar.

Inna allatheena jaoo bial-ifkiAAusbatun minkum la tahsaboohu sharran lakumbal huwa khayrun lakum likulli imri-in minhum ma iktasabamina al-ithmi waallathee tawalla kibrahuminhum lahu AAathabun AAatheemunان الذين جاؤوا بالافك عصبة منكم لاتحسبوه شرا لكم بل هو خير لكم لكل امري منهم مااكتسب من الاثم والذي تولي كبره منهم له عذاب عظيم
[YA]: Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves: think it not to be an evil to you; On the contrary it is good for you: to every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who took on himself the lead among them, will be a penalty grievous.

[RK]:A gang among you produced a big lie. Do not think that it was bad for you; instead, it was good for you. Meanwhile, each one of them has earned his share of the guilt. As for the one who initiated the whole incident, he has incurred a terrible retribution.

Walawla fadlu AllahiAAalaykum warahmatuhu fee alddunya waal-akhiratilamassakum fee ma afadtum feehi AAathabunAAatheemunولولافضل الله عليكم ورحمته في الدنيا والاخرة لمسكم في ماافضتم فيه عذاب عظيم
[YA]: Were it not for the grace and mercy of Allah on you, in this world and the Hereafter, a grievous penalty would have seized you in that ye rushed glibly into this affair.

[RK]:If it were not for GOD's grace towards you, and His mercy in this world and in the Hereafter, you would have suffered a great retribution because of this incident.

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