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Page 13 of 18
Mathalu allatheena ittakhathoomin dooni Allahi awliyaa kamathali alAAankabootiittakhathat baytan wa-inna awhana albuyooti labaytualAAankabooti law kanoo yaAAlamoonaمثل الذين اتخذوا من دون الله اولياء كمثل العنكبون اتخذت بيتا وان اوهن البيوت لبيت العنكبوت لو كانوا يعلمون
[YA]: The parable of those who take protectors other than Allah is that of the spider, who builds (to itself) a house; but truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider's house;- if they but knew.

[RK]:The allegory of those who accept other masters beside GOD is that of the spider and her home; the flimsiest of all homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.

Inna Allaha yaAAlamu mayadAAoona min doonihi min shay-in wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemuان الله يعلم مايدعون من دونه من شئ وهو العزيز الحكيم
[YA]: Verily Allah doth know of (every thing) whatever that they call upon besides Him: and He is Exalted (in power), Wise.

[RK]:GOD knows full well that whatever they worship beside Him are really nothing. He is the Almighty, the Most Wise.

Watilka al-amthalu nadribuhalilnnasi wama yaAAqiluha illaalAAalimoonaوتلك الامثال نضربها للناس ومايعقلها الا العالمون
[YA]: And such are the Parables We set forth for mankind, but only those understand them who have knowledge.

[RK]:We cite these examples for the people, and none appreciate them except the knowledgeable.

Otlu ma oohiya ilayka minaalkitabi waaqimi alssalata inna alssalatatanha AAani alfahsha-i waalmunkariwalathikru Allahi akbaru waAllahuyaAAlamu ma tasnaAAoonaاتل مااوحي اليك من الكتاب واقم الصلاة ان الصلاة تنهي عن الفحشاء والمنكر ولذكر الله اكبر والله يعلم ماتصنعون
[YA]: Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds; and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that ye do.

[RK]:You shall recite what is revealed to you of the scripture, and observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), for the Contact Prayers prohibit evil and vice. But the remembrance of GOD (through Salat) is the most important objective. GOD knows everything you do.

Bal huwa ayatun bayyinatunfee sudoori allatheena ootoo alAAilma wamayajhadu bi-ayatina illa alththalimoonaبل هو ايات بينات في صدور الذين اوتوا العلم ومايجحد باياتنا الا الظالمون
[YA]: Nay, here are Signs self-evident in the hearts of those endowed with knowledge: and none but the unjust reject Our Signs.

[RK]:In fact, these revelations are clear in the chests of those who possess knowledge. Only the wicked will disregard our revelations.

Qul kafa biAllahibaynee wabaynakum shaheedan yaAAlamu ma fee alssamawatiwaal-ardi waallatheena amanoobialbatili wakafaroo biAllahi ola-ikahumu alkhasiroonaقل كفي بالله بيني وبينكم شهيدا يعلم مافي السماوات والارض والذين امنوا بالباطل وكفروا بالله اولئك هم الخاسرون
[YA]: Say: "Enough is Allah for a witness between me and you: He knows what is in the heavens and on earth. And it is those who believe in vanities and reject Allah, that will perish (in the end).

[RK]:Say, "GOD suffices as a witness between me and you. He knows everything in the heavens and the earth. Surely, those who believe in falsehood and disbelieve in GOD are the real losers."

Wakaayyin min dabbatin la tahmilurizqaha Allahu yarzuquha wa-iyyakumwahuwa alssameeAAu alAAaleemuوكاين من دابة لاتحمل رزقها الله يرزقها واياكم وهو السميع العليم
[YA]: How many are the creatures that carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah who feeds (both) them and you: for He hears and knows (all things).

[RK]:Many a creature that does not carry its provision, GOD provides for it, as well as for you. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient.

Allahu yabsutu alrrizqaliman yashao min AAibadihi wayaqdiru lahu inna Allahabikulli shay-in AAaleemunالله يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء من عباده ويقدر له ان الله بكل شئ عليم
[YA]: Allah enlarges the sustenance (which He gives) to whichever of His servants He pleases; and He (similarly) grants by (strict) measure, (as He pleases): for Allah has full knowledge of all things.

[RK]:GOD is the One who increases the provision for whomever He chooses from among His creatures, and withholds it. GOD is fully aware of all things.

Wama hathihi alhayatualddunya illa lahwun walaAAibun wa-inna alddaraal-akhirata lahiya alhayawanu law kanooyaAAlamoonaوماهذه الحياة الدنيا الا لهو ولعب وان الدار الاخرة لهي الحيوان لو كانوا يعلمون
[YA]: What is the life of this world but amusement and play? but verily the Home in the Hereafter,- that is life indeed, if they but knew.

[RK]:This worldly life is no more than vanity and play, while the abode of the Hereafter is the real life, if they only knew.

Liyakfuroo bima ataynahumwaliyatamattaAAoo fasawfa yaAAlamoonaليكفروا بما اتيناهم وليتمتعوا فسوف يعلمون
[YA]: Disdaining ungratefully Our gifts, and giving themselves up to (worldly) enjoyment! But soon will they know.

[RK]:Let them disbelieve in what we have given them, and let them enjoy temporarily; they will surely find out.

WaAAda Allahi la yukhlifu AllahuwaAAdahu walakinna akthara alnnasi layaAAlamoonaوعد الله لايخلف الله وعده ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون
[YA]: (It is) the promise of Allah. Never does Allah depart from His promise: but most men understand not.

[RK]:Such is GOD's promise - and GOD never breaks His promise - but most people do not know.

YaAAlamoona thahiranmina alhayati alddunya wahum AAanial-akhirati hum ghafiloonaيعلمون ظاهرا من الحياة الدنيا وهم عن الاخرة هم غافلون
[YA]: They know but the outer (things) in the life of this world: but of the End of things they are heedless.

[RK]:They care only about things of this world that are visible to them, while being totally oblivious to the Hereafter.

Wamin ayatihi khalqu alssamawatiwaal-ardi waikhtilafu alsinatikumwaalwanikum inna fee thalika laayatinlilAAalimeenaومن اياته خلق السماوات والارض واختلاف السنتكم والوانكم ان في ذلك لايات للعالمين
[YA]: And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colours: verily in that are Signs for those who know.

[RK]:Among His proofs are the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your languages and your colors. In these, there are signs for the knowledgeable.

Bali ittabaAAa allatheena thalamooahwaahum bighayri AAilmin faman yahdee man adallaAllahu wama lahum min nasireenaبل اتبع الذين ظلموا اهواءهم بغير علم فمن يهدي من اضل الله ومالهم من ناصرين
[YA]: Nay, the wrong-doers (merely) follow their own lusts, being devoid of knowledge. But who will guide those whom Allah leaves astray? To them there will be no helpers.

[RK]:Indeed, the transgressors have followed their own opinions, without knowledge. Who then can guide those who have been sent astray by GOD? No one can ever help them.

Faaqim wajhaka lilddeeni haneefanfitrata Allahi allatee fatara alnnasaAAalayha la tabdeela likhalqi Allahi thalikaalddeenu alqayyimu walakinna akthara alnnasila yaAAlamoonaفاقم وجهك للدين حنيفا فطرة الله التي فطر الناس عليها لاتبديل لخلق الله ذلك الدين القيم ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون
[YA]: So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith: (establish) Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change (let there be) in the work (wrought) by Allah: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not.

[RK]:Therefore, you shall devote yourself to the religion of strict monotheism. Such is the natural instinct placed into the people by GOD. Such creation of GOD will never change. This is the perfect religion, but most people do not know.

Liyakfuroo bima ataynahumfatamattaAAoo fasawfa taAAlamoonaليكفروا بمااتيناهم فتمتعوا فسوف تعلمون
[YA]: (As if) to show their ingratitude for the (favours) We have bestowed on them! Then enjoy (your brief day); but soon will ye know (your folly).

[RK]:Let them be unappreciative of what we have given them. Enjoy temporarily; you will surely find out.

Allahu allathee khalaqakum mindaAAfin thumma jaAAala min baAAdi daAAfin quwwatanthumma jaAAala min baAAdi quwwatin daAAfan washaybatanyakhluqu ma yashao wahuwa alAAaleemu alqadeeruالله الذي خلقكم من ضعف ثم جعل من بعد ضعف قوة ثم جعل من بعد قوة ضعفا وشيبة يخلق مايشاء وهو العليم القدير
[YA]: It is Allah Who created you in a state of (helpless) weakness, then gave (you) strength after weakness, then, after strength, gave (you weakness and a hoary head: He creates as He wills, and it is He Who has all knowledge and power.

[RK]:GOD is the One who created you weak, then granted you after the weakness strength, then substituted after the strength weakness and gray hair. He creates whatever He wills. He is the Omniscient, the Omnipotent.

Waqala allatheena ootooalAAilma waal-eemana laqad labithtum fee kitabiAllahi ila yawmi albaAAthi fahatha yawmualbaAAthi walakinnakum kuntum la taAAlamoonaوقال الذين اوتوا العلم والايمان لقد لبثتم في كتاب الله الي يوم البعث فهذا يوم البعث ولكنكم كنتم لاتعلمون
[YA]: But those endued with knowledge and faith will say: "Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah's Decree, to the Day of Resurrection, and this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye - ye were not aware!"

[RK]:Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, "You have lasted, according to GOD's decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it."

Waqala allatheena ootooalAAilma waal-eemana laqad labithtum fee kitabiAllahi ila yawmi albaAAthi fahatha yawmualbaAAthi walakinnakum kuntum la taAAlamoonaوقال الذين اوتوا العلم والايمان لقد لبثتم في كتاب الله الي يوم البعث فهذا يوم البعث ولكنكم كنتم لاتعلمون
[YA]: But those endued with knowledge and faith will say: "Indeed ye did tarry, within Allah's Decree, to the Day of Resurrection, and this is the Day of Resurrection: but ye - ye were not aware!"

[RK]:Those who are blessed with knowledge and faith will say, "You have lasted, according to GOD's decree, until the Day of Resurrection. Now, this is the Day of Resurrection, but you failed to recognize it."

Kathalika yatbaAAu AllahuAAala quloobi allatheena la yaAAlamoonaكذلك يطبع الله علي قلوب الذين لايعلمون
[YA]: Thus does Allah seal up the hearts of those who understand not.

[RK]:GOD thus seals the hearts of those who do not know.

Wamina alnnasi man yashtareelahwa alhadeethi liyudilla AAan sabeeli Allahibighayri AAilmin wayattakhithaha huzuwan ola-ikalahum AAathabun muheenunومن الناس من يشتري لهو الحديث ليضل عن سبيل الله بغير علم ويتخذها هزوا اولئك لهم عذاب مهين
[YA]: But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty.

[RK]:Among the people, there are those who uphold baseless Hadith, and thus divert others from the path of GOD without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution.

Wa-in jahadaka AAala antushrika bee ma laysa laka bihi AAilmun fala tutiAAhumawasahibhuma fee alddunya maAAroofanwaittabiAA sabeela man anaba ilayya thumma ilayyamarjiAAukum faonabbi-okum bima kuntum taAAmaloonaوان جاهداك علي ان تشرك بي ماليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا واتبع سبيل من اناب الي ثم الي مرجعكم فانبئكم بما كنتم تعملون
[YA]: "But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did."

[RK]:If they try to force you to set up any idols beside Me, do not obey them. But continue to treat them amicably in this world. You shall follow only the path of those who have submitted to Me. Ultimately, you all return to Me, then I will inform you of everything you have done.

Alam taraw anna Allaha sakhkharalakum ma fee alssamawati wamafee al-ardi waasbagha AAalaykum niAAamahu thahiratanwabatinatan wamina alnnasi man yujadilufee Allahi bighayri AAilmin wala hudan walakitabin muneerinالم تروا ان الله سخر لكم مافي السماوات ومافي الارض واسبغ عليكم نعمه ظاهرة وباطنة ومن الناس من يجادل في الله بغير علم ولاهدي ولاكتاب منير
[YA]: Do ye not see that Allah has subjected to your (use) all things in the heavens and on earth, and has made his bounties flow to you in exceeding measure, (both) seen and unseen? Yet there are among men those who dispute about Allah, without knowledge and without guidance, and without a Book to enlighten them!

[RK]:Do you not see that GOD has committed in your service everything in the heavens and the earth, and has showered you with His blessings - obvious and hidden? Yet, some people argue about GOD without knowledge, without guidance, and without the enlightening scripture.

Waman kafara fala yahzunkakufruhu ilayna marjiAAuhum fanunabbi-ohum bimaAAamiloo inna Allaha AAaleemun bithati alssudooriومن كفر فلا يحزنك كفره الينا مرجعهم فننبئهم بما عملوا ان الله عليم بذات الصدور
[YA]: But if any reject Faith, let not his rejection grieve thee: to Us is their return, and We shall tell them the truth of their deeds: for Allah knows well all that is in (men's) hearts.

[RK]:As for those who disbelieve, do not be saddened by their disbelief. To us is their ultimate return, then we will inform them of everything they had done. GOD is fully aware of the innermost thoughts.

Wala-in saaltahum man khalaqa alssamawatiwaal-arda layaqoolunna Allahu quli alhamdulillahi bal aktharuhum la yaAAlamoonaولئن سالتهم من خلق السماوات والارض ليقولن الله قل الحمد لله بل اكثرهم لايعلمون
[YA]: If thou ask them, who it is that created the heavens and the earth. They will certainly say, "Allah". Say: "Praise be to Allah!" But most of them understand not.

[RK]:If you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth," they will say, "GOD." Say, "Praise be to GOD." Yet, most of them do not know.

Inna Allaha AAindahu AAilmu alssaAAatiwayunazzilu alghaytha wayaAAlamu ma fee al-arhamiwama tadree nafsun matha taksibu ghadan wamatadree nafsun bi-ayyi ardin tamootu inna AllahaAAaleemun khabeerunان الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم مافي الارحام وماتدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وماتدري نفس باي ارض تموت ان الله عليم خبير
[YA]: Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).

[RK]:With GOD is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world). He is the One who sends down the rain, and He knows the contents of the womb. No soul knows what will happen to it tomorrow, and no one knows in which land he or she will die. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.

Inna Allaha AAindahu AAilmu alssaAAatiwayunazzilu alghaytha wayaAAlamu ma fee al-arhamiwama tadree nafsun matha taksibu ghadan wamatadree nafsun bi-ayyi ardin tamootu inna AllahaAAaleemun khabeerunان الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم مافي الارحام وماتدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وماتدري نفس باي ارض تموت ان الله عليم خبير
[YA]: Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).

[RK]:With GOD is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world). He is the One who sends down the rain, and He knows the contents of the womb. No soul knows what will happen to it tomorrow, and no one knows in which land he or she will die. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.

Inna Allaha AAindahu AAilmu alssaAAatiwayunazzilu alghaytha wayaAAlamu ma fee al-arhamiwama tadree nafsun matha taksibu ghadan wamatadree nafsun bi-ayyi ardin tamootu inna AllahaAAaleemun khabeerunان الله عنده علم الساعة وينزل الغيث ويعلم مافي الارحام وماتدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا وماتدري نفس باي ارض تموت ان الله عليم خبير
[YA]: Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). It is He Who sends down rain, and He Who knows what is in the wombs. Nor does any one know what it is that he will earn on the morrow: Nor does any one know in what land he is to die. Verily with Allah is full knowledge and He is acquainted (with all things).

[RK]:With GOD is the knowledge about the Hour (end of the world). He is the One who sends down the rain, and He knows the contents of the womb. No soul knows what will happen to it tomorrow, and no one knows in which land he or she will die. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant.

Tanzeelu alkitabi la raybafeehi min rabbi alAAalameenaتنزيل الكتاب لاريب فيه من رب العالمين
[YA]: (This is) the Revelation of the Book in which there is no doubt,- from the Lord of the Worlds.

[RK]:The book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the universe.

Thalika AAalimu alghaybi waalshshahadatialAAazeezu alrraheemuذلك عالم الغيب والشهادة العزيز الرحيم
[YA]: Such is He, the Knower of all things, hidden and open, the Exalted (in power), the Merciful;-

[RK]:Knower of all secrets and declarations; the Almighty, Most Merciful.

Fala taAAlamu nafsun maokhfiya lahum min qurrati aAAyunin jazaan bima kanooyaAAmaloonaفلا تعلم نفس مااخفي لهم من قرة اعين جزاء بما كانوا يعملون
[YA]: Now no person knows what delights of the eye are kept hidden (in reserve) for them - as a reward for their (good) deeds.

[RK]:You have no idea how much joy and happiness are waiting for you as a reward for your (righteous) works.

Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyuittaqi Allaha wala tutiAAi alkafireenawaalmunafiqeena inna Allaha kanaAAaleeman hakeemanياايها النبي اتق الله ولاتطع الكافرين والمنافقين ان الله كان عليما حكيما
[YA]: O Prophet! Fear Allah, and hearken not to the Unbelievers and the Hypocrites: verily Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom.

[RK]:O you prophet, you shall reverence GOD and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise.

OdAAoohum li-aba-ihim huwa aqsatuAAinda Allahi fa-in lam taAAlamoo abaahumfa-ikhwanukum fee alddeeni wamawaleekumwalaysa AAalaykum junahun feema akhta/tumbihi walakin ma taAAammadat quloobukum wakanaAllahu ghafooran raheemanادعوهم لابائهم هو اقسط عند الله فان لم تعلموا اباءهم فاخوانكم في الدين ومواليكم وليس عليكم جناح فيما اخطاتم به ولكن ماتعمدت قلوبكم وكان الله غفورا رحيما
[YA]: Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that is juster in the sight of Allah. But if ye know not their father's (names, call them) your Brothers in faith, or your maulas. But there is no blame on you if ye make a mistake therein: (what counts is) the intention of your hearts: and Allah is Oft-Returning, Most Merciful.

[RK]:You shall give your adopted children names that preserve their relationship to their genetic parents. This is more equitable in the sight of GOD. If you do not know their parents, then, as your brethren in religion, you shall treat them as members of your family. You do not commit a sin if you make a mistake in this respect; you are responsible for your purposeful intentions. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

Qad yaAAlamu Allahu almuAAawwiqeenaminkum waalqa-ileena li-ikhwanihim halummailayna wala ya/toona alba/sa illa qaleelanقد يعلم الله المعوقين منكم والقائلين لاخوانهم هلم الينا ولاياتون الباس الا قليلا
[YA]: Verily Allah knows those among you who keep back (men) and those who say to their brethren, "Come along to us", but come not to the fight except for just a little while.

[RK]:GOD is fully aware of the hinderers among you, and those who say to their comrades, "Let us all stay behind." Rarely do they mobilize for defense.

Ma kana muhammadun abaahadin min rijalikum walakin rasoola Allahiwakhatama alnnabiyyeena wakana Allahubikulli shay-in AAaleemanماكان محمد ابا احد من رجالكم ولكن رسول الله وخاتم النبيين وكان الله بكل شئ عليما
[YA]: Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah, and the Seal of the Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things.

[RK]:Muhammad was not the father of any man among you. He was a messenger of GOD and the final prophet. GOD is fully aware of all things.

Ya ayyuha alnnabiyyuinna ahlalna laka azwajaka allateeatayta ojoorahunna wama malakat yameenuka mimmaafaa Allahu AAalayka wabanati AAammika wabanatiAAammatika wabanati khalika wabanatikhalatika allatee hajarna maAAaka waimraatanmu/minatan in wahabat nafsaha lilnnabiyyi in aradaalnnabiyyu an yastankihaha khalisatanlaka min dooni almu/mineena qad AAalimna ma faradnaAAalayhim fee azwajihim wama malakat aymanuhumlikayla yakoona AAalayka harajun wakana Allahughafooran raheemanياايهاالنبي انا احللنا لك ازواجك اللاتي اتيت اجورهن وماملكت يمينك مما افاء الله عليك وبنات عمك وبنات عماتك وبنات خالك وبنات خالاتك التي هاجرن معك وامراة مؤمنة ان وهبت نفسها للنبي ان اراد النبي ان يستنكحها خالصة لك من دون المؤمنين قد علمنا مافرضنا عليهم في ازواجهم وماملكت ايمانهم لكيلا يكون عليك حرج وكان الله غفورا رحيما
[YA]: O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee; and daughters of thy paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of thy maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Makka) with thee; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the Prophet if the Prophet wishes to wed her;- this only for thee, and not for the Believers (at large); We know what We have appointed for them as to their wives and the captives whom their right hands possess;- in order that there should be no difficulty for thee. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

[RK]:O prophet, we made lawful for you your wives to whom you have paid their due dowry, or what you already have, as granted to you by GOD. Also lawful for you in marriage are the daughters of your father's brothers, the daughters of your father's sisters, the daughters of your mother's brothers, the daughters of your mother's sisters, who have emigrated with you. Also, if a believing woman gave herself to the prophet - by forfeiting the dowry - the prophet may marry her without a dowry, if he so wishes. However, her forfeiting of the dowry applies only to the prophet, and not to the other believers. We have already decreed their rights in regard to their spouses or what they already have. This is to spare you any embarrassment. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.

Turjee man tashao minhunna watu/weeilayka man tashao wamani ibtaghayta mimman AAazalta falajunaha AAalayka thalika adna an taqarraaAAyunuhunna wala yahzanna wayardayna bimaataytahunna kulluhunna waAllahu yaAAlamu mafee quloobikum wakana Allahu AAaleeman haleemanترجي من تشاء منهن وتؤوي اليك من تشاء ومن ابتغيت ممن عزلت فلا جناح عليك ذلك ادني ان تقر اعينهن ولايحزن ويرضين بما اتيتهن كلهن والله يعلم مافي قلوبكم وكان الله عليما حليما
[YA]: Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction - that of all of them - with that which thou hast to give them: and Allah knows (all) that is in your hearts: and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.

[RK]:You may gently shun any one of them, and you may bring closer to you any one of them. If you reconcile with any one you had estranged, you commit no error. In this way, they will be pleased, will have no grief, and will be content with what you equitably offer to all of them. GOD knows what is in your hearts. GOD is Omniscient, Clement.

Turjee man tashao minhunna watu/weeilayka man tashao wamani ibtaghayta mimman AAazalta falajunaha AAalayka thalika adna an taqarraaAAyunuhunna wala yahzanna wayardayna bimaataytahunna kulluhunna waAllahu yaAAlamu mafee quloobikum wakana Allahu AAaleeman haleemanترجي من تشاء منهن وتؤوي اليك من تشاء ومن ابتغيت ممن عزلت فلا جناح عليك ذلك ادني ان تقر اعينهن ولايحزن ويرضين بما اتيتهن كلهن والله يعلم مافي قلوبكم وكان الله عليما حليما
[YA]: Thou mayest defer (the turn of) any of them that thou pleasest, and thou mayest receive any thou pleasest: and there is no blame on thee if thou invite one whose (turn) thou hadst set aside. This were nigher to the cooling of their eyes, the prevention of their grief, and their satisfaction - that of all of them - with that which thou hast to give them: and Allah knows (all) that is in your hearts: and Allah is All-Knowing, Most Forbearing.

[RK]:You may gently shun any one of them, and you may bring closer to you any one of them. If you reconcile with any one you had estranged, you commit no error. In this way, they will be pleased, will have no grief, and will be content with what you equitably offer to all of them. GOD knows what is in your hearts. GOD is Omniscient, Clement.

In tubdoo shay-an aw tukhfoohu fa-inna Allahakana bikulli shay-in AAaleemanان تبدوا شيئا او تخفوه فان الله كان بكل شئ عليما
[YA]: Whether ye reveal anything or conceal it, verily Allah has full knowledge of all things.

[RK]:Whether you declare anything, or hide it, GOD is fully aware of all things.

Yas-aluka alnnasu AAani alssaAAatiqul innama AAilmuha AAinda Allahi wamayudreeka laAAalla alssaAAata takoonu qareebanيسالك الناس عن الساعة قل انما علمها عند الله ومايدريك لعل الساعة تكون قريبا
[YA]: Men ask thee concerning the Hour: Say, "The knowledge thereof is with Allah (alone)": and what will make thee understand?- perchance the Hour is nigh!

[RK]:The people ask you about the Hour (end of the world). Say, "The knowledge thereof is only with GOD. For all that you know, the Hour may be close."

YaAAlamu ma yaliju fee al-ardiwama yakhruju minha wama yanzilu mina alssama-iwama yaAAruju feeha wahuwa alrraheemualghafooruيعلم مايلج في الارض ومايخرج منها وماينزل من السماء ومايعرج فيها وهو الرحيم الغفور
[YA]: He knows all that goes into the earth, and all that comes out thereof; all that comes down from the sky and all that ascends thereto and He is the Most Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving.

[RK]:He knows everything that goes into the earth, and everything that comes out of it, and everything that comes down from the sky, and everything that climbs into it. He is the Most Merciful, the Forgiving.

Waqala allatheena kafaroo lata/teena alssaAAatu qul bala warabbeelata/tiyannakum AAalimi alghaybi la yaAAzubu AAanhumithqalu tharratin fee alssamawatiwala fee al-ardi wala asgharu min thalikawala akbaru illa fee kitabin mubeeninوقال الذين كفروا لاتاتينا الساعة قل بلي وربي لتاتينكم عالم الغيب لايعزب عنه مثقال ذرة في السماوات ولافي الارض ولااصغر من ذلك ولااكبر الا في كتاب مبين
[YA]: The Unbelievers say, "Never to us will come the Hour": Say, "Nay! but most surely, by my Lord, it will come upon you;- by Him Who knows the unseen,- from Whom is not hidden the least little atom in the heavens or on earth: Nor is there anything less than that, or greater, but is in the Record Perspicuous:

[RK]:Those who disbelieve have said, "The Hour will never come to pass!" Say, "Absolutely - by my Lord - it will most certainly come to you. He is the Knower of the future. Not even the equivalent of an atom's weight is hidden from Him, be it in the heavens or the earth. Not even smaller than that, or larger (is hidden). All are in a profound record."

Wayara allatheena ootooalAAilma allathee onzila ilayka min rabbika huwa alhaqqawayahdee ila sirati alAAazeezi alhameediويري الذين اوتوا العلم الذي انزل اليك من ربك هو الحق ويهدي الي صراط العزيز الحميد
[YA]: And those to whom knowledge has come see that the (Revelation) sent down to thee from thy Lord - that is the Truth, and that it guides to the Path of the Exalted (in might), Worthy of all praise.

[RK]:It is evident to those who are blessed with knowledge that this revelation from your Lord to you is the truth, and that it guides to the path of the Almighty, the Most Praiseworthy.

Falamma qadaynaAAalayhi almawta ma dallahum AAala mawtihi illadabbatu al-ardi ta/kulu minsaatahu falammakharra tabayyanati aljinnu an law kanoo yaAAlamoonaalghayba ma labithoo fee alAAathabi almuheeniفلما قضينا عليه الموت مادلهم علي موته الا دابة الارض تاكل منساته فلما خر تبينت الجن ان لو كانوا يعلمون الغيب مالبثوا في العذاب المهين
[YA]: Then, when We decreed (Solomon's) death, nothing showed them his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in the humiliating Penalty (of their Task).

[RK]:When the appointed time for his death came, they had no clue that he had died. Not until one of the animals tried to eat his staff, and he fell down, did the jinns realized that he was dead. They thus realized that if they really knew the unseen, they would have stopped working so hard as soon as he died.

Wama kana lahu AAalayhim minsultanin illa linaAAlama man yu/minu bial-akhiratimimman huwa minha fee shakkin warabbuka AAala kullishay-in hafeethunوماكان له عليهم من سلطان الا لنعلم من يؤمن بالاخرة ممن هو منها في شك وربك علي كل شئ حفيظ
[YA]: But he had no authority over them,- except that We might test the man who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt concerning it: and thy Lord doth watch over all things.

[RK]:He never had any power over them. But we thus distinguish those who believe in the Hereafter from those who are doubtful about it. Your Lord is in full control of all things.

Qul yajmaAAu baynana rabbunathumma yaftahu baynana bialhaqqiwahuwa alfattahu alAAaleemuقل يجمع بيننا ربنا ثم يفتح بيننا بالحق وهو الفتاح العليم
[YA]: Say: "Our Lord will gather us together and will in the end decide the matter between us (and you) in truth and justice: and He is the one to decide, the One Who knows all."

[RK]:Say, "Our Lord will gather us all together before Him, then He will judge between us equitably. He is the Judge, the Omniscient."

Wama arsalnaka illa kaffatanlilnnasi basheeran wanatheeran walakinnaakthara alnnasi la yaAAlamoonaوماارسلناك الا كافة للناس بشيرا ونذيرا ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون
[YA]: We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.

[RK]:We have sent you (O Rashad) to all the people, a bearer of good news, as well as a warner, but most people do not know.

Qul inna rabbee yabsutu alrrizqaliman yashao wayaqdiru walakinna akthara alnnasila yaAAlamoonaقل ان ربي يبسط الرزق لمن يشاء ويقدر ولكن اكثر الناس لايعلمون
[YA]: Say: "Verily my Lord enlarges and restricts the Provision to whom He pleases, but most men understand not."

[RK]:Say, "My Lord is the One who controls all provisions; He grants the provisions to whomever He wills, or reduces them, but most people do not know."

Qul inna rabbee yaqthifu bialhaqqiAAallamu alghuyoobiقل ان ربي يقذف بالحق علام الغيوب
[YA]: Say: "Verily my Lord doth cast the (mantle of) Truth (over His servants),- He that has full knowledge of (all) that is hidden."

[RK]:Say, "My Lord causes the truth to prevail. He is the Knower of all secrets."

Afaman zuyyina lahu soo-o AAamalihi faraahuhasanan fa-inna Allaha yudillu man yashaowayahdee man yashao fala tathhab nafsukaAAalayhim hasaratin inna Allaha AAaleemunbima yasnaAAoonaافمن زين له سوء عمله فراه حسنا فان الله يضل من يشاء ويهدي من يشاء فلاتذهب نفسك عليهم حسرات ان الله عليم بما يصنعون
[YA]: Is he, then, to whom the evil of his conduct is made alluring, so that he looks upon it as good, (equal to one who is rightly guided)? For Allah leaves to stray whom He wills, and guides whom He wills. So let not thy soul go out in (vainly) sighing after them: for Allah knows well all that they do!

[RK]:Note the one whose evil work is adorned in his eyes, until he thinks that it is righteous. GOD thus sends astray whoever wills (to go astray), and He guides whoever wills (to be guided). Therefore, do not grieve over them. GOD is fully aware of everything they do.

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